The New Kid at School

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Book: The New Kid at School Read Online Free PDF
Author: Kate McMullan
friends,” he cried. “Eric the Dragon Slayer is at your service!”
    Gawain and Zelda stared at him.
    “You?” Zelda said.
    Eric nodded.
    “You are but a boy!” she scoffed.
    Eric sniffed. “I am first in my class at Dragon Slayers’ Academy,” he replied. “I shall slay Gorzil—no sweat!”
    “Do you know how many brave knights have tried and perished in his flames?” Gawain asked.
    “ But—” Eric began.
    “Gorzil will toast you like a marshmallow!” Zelda declared. “Unless,” she added, “you come up with a clever plan.”
    “A plan?” Wiglaf said. “What kind of-”
    “Change clothes with us,” Zelda cut in. “Disguise yourselves as the son and the daughter of Toenail and catch Gorzil off guard!”
    At first, Eric looked doubtful. Then he began to smile. “Yes!” he exclaimed. “I can see it now! At dawn, we shall appear at the mouth of Gorzil’s cave, dressed in your clothing. Gorzil will never suspect that behind my back I have a sword! When the dragon opens his jaws to eat me, I shall whip out my sword and plunge it deep into his throat. His whole body will shudder and—”
    “But Eric,” Wiglaf broke in. “How can one of us pass for a daughter of the village?”
    But Eric was already taking off his helmet. “Worry not, Wiglaf,” he said. “Just be quick and give your tunic to Gawain. Here, Zelda. Take my Sir Lancelot armor.” Eric handed the girl his helmet and chain mail. “As soon as we are dressed in their clothes,” Eric told Wiglaf, “we shall go thitherward to carry out our plan!”

Chapter 8
    The sun dawned on Wiglaf and Eric outside the mouth of Gorzil’s cave. With trembling fingers, Wiglaf finished tying his lucky rag to Surekill’s hilt. If ever he needed luck, it was now!
    Wiglaf adjusted Gawain’s baggy tunic and trousers. Then he glanced over at Eric, who was wearing Zelda’s sky-blue dress. His brown hair peeked out from under her white lace cap.
    “I was wrong to think you would not pass for a daughter of the village, Eric,” Wiglaf said.
    Eric only nodded.
    “That lace cap suits you,” Wiglaf went on. “If I were a dragon, I should believe you were a girl—and a fetching one, at that.”
    “Enough!” Eric snapped. “Keep your thoughts on Gorzil!”
    Just then a cloud of smoke billowed out of the cave, and a voice inside boomed, “I SMELL BREAKFAST!”
    Wiglaf and Eric hid their swords behind their backs as a huge, green, snakelike head poked out from the smoke. The dragon’s eyes blazed orange. Steam rose from his jaws. Yellow slime dripped from his nose. Wiglaf had never seen anything so hideous.
    So this was Gorzil! Wiglaf thought back to the minstrel’s tale. He gripped his sword more tightly. He hoped that Gorzil would not soon be using Surekill for his toothpick!
    Gorzil puffed two smoke rings from his nose. “What luck!” he exclaimed. “Here are a tasty little son and daughter of the village. And here is Gorzil, hungry for breakfast! Daughter, have you any last words to say to Gorzil?”

    Eric took a step forward. He whispered something. But even Wiglaf could not hear what it was.
    “What? What?” Gorzil said. “Speak up, girl!” But Eric only whispered again.
    The dragon stepped out from the cave. Slime trickled from his nose. It spattered on the ground in greasy yellow puddles. He lowered his head close to Eric. “Now Gorzil can hear better. What did you say, my delicious cookie?”
    “I AM NOT YOUR COOKIE, GORZIL!” Eric shouted into the dragon’s ear. “I AM YOUR WORST NIGHTMARE!” And he whipped his sword from behind his back.
    An angry red crest rose from Gorzil’s head. Sparks shot from his nose. They scorched the hem of Eric’s dress. Then Gorzil raised the tip of his tail over his head and whacked Eric’s sword out of his hand.
    Wiglaf and Eric watched it sail off into the woods.
    “Uh-oh,” said Eric. He ducked behind a nearby boulder. “Quick, Wiglaf!” he called. “Draw your sword!”
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