was really
beautiful and when she turned on the charm she was irresistible,
um, not just as a sexual creature , you know, but as a person.
“But, oh my! Jessie was a real party girl. I don’t mean
like a prostitute or anything, you know, but she didn’t spend
many nights home alone. Know what I’m saying?
“Anyway, when she started seeing Kyle I really saw a
change in her, for a while, sort of. He was different from her
other boyfriends.” He looked up at Karen and gave her a sad
“Funny thing, when you hear about athletes in the news,
they’re always wild, always doing something illegal or crazy.
Not Kyle though. Uh uh. He was such a calming influence on
Jess, when they first started going out, at least. But I guess a
leopard doesn’t change her spots that easily. After a couple of
months she started running around on him. God, I can’t believe
she’s gone!”
“So this Kyle she was seeing, he’s an athlete?”
“A football player, you know, Kyle Sands, the
quarterback for the Demons.”
Karen felt her breath catch. Will asked if she was okay.
It took her a second, but she nodded, convincingly, she hoped.
“Well, really, Jessie was known for losing interest in
guys real easy. She never stayed with anyone for the distance.
Huh! With Kyle being on the road so often, she literally had her
cake and was eating it too, if you get my drift. My partner and I
always talked about how awful it was. You’d have to be out of
your mind to cheat on a hunk like Kyle Sands!”
Will smirked and asked, “Your partner? Business?” He
knew exactly what kind of a partner Rafe Strickland was
referring to.
“Oh, Lord, no! My life partner. I’m gay.” He beamed.
“Who’da thunk it?” Will snorted. “Does your life partner
have a name, or what?”
“Of course he does! Ron Juneau.”
Karen could feel her face burning, but knew she had to
break out of her haze.
“Um, Rafe,” she fumbled, “do you know whether Kyle
Sands knew about Jessica’s, uh, indiscretions?” Kyle Sands . She
noticed that Will had stopped scribbling into his notebook and
was staring at her. I’ve got to keep myself together , she thought.
“Are you kidding? She made it clear that we had to keep
mum on that story. She would have killed us if we—oh, man—I
didn’t mean kill .” Shaking his head as though disengaging his
mind from his mouth, he stared at the detectives for a long
moment. Finally, as though a decision had been reluctantly
made, he continued.
“Kyle really cared about Jessie, you know? You could
tell from his body language and the way he looked at her, at least
early on when they first started dating. He is so awesome…”
Rafe put his hand to his mouth and looked at Will, who
was glaring. “Sorry. Too much information, huh?”
Will could have burnt a hole through the man’s
forehead with the fire in his eyes. Rafe recognized the danger,
cleared his throat and went on.
“But the last couple of times I saw them together, I felt
like he was getting to know her a little better—good for him, not
so good for her.
“Kyle even got a little tense and snapped at her once or
twice. Ron and I were thinking that maybe he’d found out about
her extracurricular activities. I mean, just because we kept our
mouths zipped didn’t mean the rest of the world wasn’t going to
tattle. And Kyle was, uh, is, anything but a dumb jock.” He
shook his head again and gave a self-deprecating chuckle. “I
don’t guess a compliment can get more back-handed than that,
hmmm? The bottom line, according to Jess, was that he looked
great and…” he cleared is throat again, “these are her words, not
mine, fucked like a god but he should have been an accountant
because he was just so damned dull, boring . Like I said, those
were her words only. We thought he was phenomenal!” He
cocked his head and continued, “Too bad he’s straight…”
Karen tried to smile. “So you’re saying she stayed with
him because of the sex?” Her