The MORE Trilogy

The MORE Trilogy Read Online Free PDF

Book: The MORE Trilogy Read Online Free PDF
Author: T.M. Franklin
the flashing orange twinkle lights strung on every surface, intermingled with fake spider webs, a few glow-in-the-dark skeletons, and even a life-sized witch on a broom hanging from the ceiling. The employees, and a few of the patrons, were in costume, but most—including Lucy—were dressed in their usual Saturday night attire, most likely saving their costumes for the following night.
    Lucy hurried to a small table near the stage, smiling and hugging a group of girls waiting for her. Above the din of laughter and flirting conversations, Caleb could hear Lucy and her friends chatting about classes . . . guys . . . work . . . guys . . . professors . . . guys, guys, and guys. They sipped their drinks and slammed some shots purchased by a table of football players who hooted when they raised the glasses in thanks.
    Caleb bided his time, looking for the right opportunity, which presented itself when Lucy got up to go to the bathroom. The football players moved in, pulling her friends to the dance floor, and instead of joining them when she returned, Lucy waved and walked over to the bar. Caleb drained his bottle and moved to join her.
    “Can I get a Heineken?” he shouted to the bartender, purposely bumping Lucy’s arm with his own. He smiled at her. “Sorry about that.”
    She shrugged, smiling back. “It’s okay,” she said. “It’s crowded tonight.”
    “Is it always like this?” Caleb asked. He thought that was better than Do you come here often?
    Lucy sipped her drink. “Yeah, on weekends. They usually have pretty good live music.”
    Caleb nodded, turning to watch the band for a minute, head nodding to the beat, playing it cool. He lifted the Veil, just a little, just enough to get her attention.
    “I’m Lucy,” she said after a moment, and he fought not to smile in victory as he turned back to her.
    “Caleb,” he replied. “Caleb Foster.”
    “Nice to meet you,” she said, toying with the cherry in her drink. “Wait a second,” she said, eyes widening in recognition. “Caleb Foster? I think you know my roommate.”
    “Oh, yeah?”
    “Ava Michaels? You’re tutoring her, right?”
    “Oh, sure,” he said, as if it were a great coincidence and he hadn’t planned this conversation out in his mind a hundred times. “I know Ava. She’s your roommate?” He sipped his beer, glancing around the room. “Is she here with you tonight?” Lucy shook her head and drained her glass. Caleb signaled the bartender to bring her another, and she smiled her thanks.
    “She’s studying,” Lucy said, her words slurring slightly. “She’s always studying.”
    “All work and no play, huh?” he said, trying to keep her talking.
    “Don’t get me wrong,” she said, popping the cherry into her mouth. “Ava’s awesome. I love her. She’s just so serious, you know?”
    “Well, some people need to study more than others.” He was grasping at straws. He knew it. Her problem with physics aside, Ava was a stellar student, and he’d seen firsthand her intelligence.
    “Ava’s really smart,” Lucy said reproachfully, almost as if she read his thoughts. “She just has to work to help put herself through school, and there aren’t enough hours in the day.”
    Caleb made a mental note. “I thought she was here on scholarship,” he said. “Her parents don’t help with the rest?”
    Lucy turned around on the stool, watching the people on the dance floor unseeingly. “Ava’s parents don’t have much,” she said. “And her dad’s been sick.”
    Not the father. He knew that from her file already. “I’m sorry to hear that.”
    “Wait a second.” Lucy turned suddenly sharp eyes on him. “You’re asking a lot of questions about Ava.”
    He shrugged, his lips lifting in what he hoped approximated an embarrassed smile. “Am I?”
    “Do you . . .” She pointed a wagging finger toward his nose. “Do you like Ava?”
    When he said nothing, she squealed. “You do! Oh, that’s so
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