The Monster's Defiled Sex Slave (Contract of Eternal Submission Part 3)
week so
that he could be at the hospital actually practicing medicine.
    They managed to cross paths for a few minutes
during the middle of the day and Elijah pulled her aside to break
some bad news to her.
    "Hey baby I got called in to assist with some
surgeries this evening and I won't be able to see you tonight, I'm
really sorry," he said quietly.
    Saddened as she was by this news, Savannah
couldn’t help but feel relieved that she would have a night to
herself. Not to mention some time to heal, she was still so sore,
she couldn’t imagine another romp with Elijah so soon. She could
realistically use a few days rest, but that certainly wasn't going
to happen, not if she had anything to do with it.
    "That's okay, I could probably use a night
off," she winked. She leaned in and kissed him on the cheek. "Have
a great night at work and good luck with the surgeries!"
    Savannah stopped to pick up some sushi on her
way home from work. Sage was home and she squealed with delight
when Savannah pulled out the maki rolls.
    “Deets on Dr. Preston. Now.” Sage said before
popping a yellowtail roll into her mouth. She looked at Savannah
expectantly as she chewed.
    Savannah decided to leave out the
supernatural details, Sage would probably have her committed if she
told her any of it. She did go into a detailed version of how she
met Elijah at her parents’ party and then coincidentally met him
again at her new job.
    “It’s fate,” Sage sighed, "especially if
Elijah honestly had nothing to do with you nabbing that job. You
two are meant to be and you’ll get married and live in a big house
and have lots of gorgeous babies.”
    “Says the romance skeptic,” Savannah said
dryly, dipping her tuna roll into soy sauce.
    “I don’t believe in it for me, but definitely
for you. Pretty girls like you who have brains and come from places
like Greenwich, always find their happy endings,” she said with a
hint of back-handedness.
    Savannah shifted uncomfortably in her chair.
Sage came from a sketchy background, when she was little she had to
jump from one random relative’s house to another while her mom was
in and out of jail. The poor girl didn’t even know who her dad
    She went to school in Baltimore, and somehow
she pulled herself together and got good grades in high school. Her
excellent grades and undeniable theatre talents scored her a full
ride on a theatre scholarship. Part of the reason that Savannah
loved Sage so much was because she wasn’t stuffy or uptight like so
many of the girls she grew up with. But there was always that
constant reminder that she was more well off than Sage.
    “Happy endings are coming for you too,”
Savannah said, smiling broadly. Sage nodded but added nothing more
on the topic and they spent the rest of their early dinner talking
about Savannah’s new job.
    After Sage left for the theatre, Savannah did
some laundry and other boring things around the apartment. Elijah
called to check in around 10:00 p.m. and Savannah’s entire body
swooned just from hearing his warm, rich voice over the phone. She
missed him like crazy and after they hung up she didn’t know what
to do with herself. She finally opted to go to bed, hoping that
morning would come quickly so she could see Elijah.
    Savannah awoke the next morning to get ready
for work, she remembered Kaci telling her to dress comfortably
today because she would be doing a lot of physical tasks. She
couldn’t help the nagging urge to dress nicely, she wanted to
impress Elijah all the time, and she chastised herself for being so
obsessed. She opted for dark green cargo shorts, a loose fitting
white tank top and a pair of thin white sneakers. Satisfied that
she looked both practical and a little sexy, she pulled her hair
back and set off to work.
    Savannah came out of the subway station and
made her way toward the studio. She noticed a striking woman
standing a few feet away, scrolling through her phone. A few men
walking down the street also
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