I’ve never been around so many bright and shiny people before, it’s like I’m on overload or something.
I need to get used it though. Dinner hasn’t even started yet.
I haven’t seen Chance yet.
“You don’t have to be shy around us Daria.” She says as she starts down a hallway going slow enough that I follow “We like a bunch of wild animals here, so don’t hold back.”
She thinks their wild animals? Trying living with my family, they give the term new meaning.
I nod at her though, like I understand.
“I hear you met my brother earlier. He’s quite the handful, but don’t let him bother you either. His laugh is worse than his bite.”
I stare at her with wide eyes and blushing cheeks, as we turn to the right and cross through the nicely furnished living room. I saw it all earlier, but it still seems overly extravagant to me, but then everything is really. Plus, the idea that they all talked about my reaction to Chance takes all my thoughts. They must have thought I was pitiful. I am pitiful. How in the world am I going to get through dinner acting like that? I can so see myself spilling whatever we’re eating onto my lap. What a disaster this is going to be.
I nod again. She smiles. I cringe and try not to walk into a wall or something.
We’re about to enter the dining room, and I can hear Mellissa just beyond talking with a man that sounds like an older version of Chance. I instantly freeze, causing Ashley to stop too. She eyes me reassuringly.
“Don’t worry, Chance has other dinner plans tonight. So it’s just us civilized Harris’s for now. I know he can be a lot to take in, but really it’s nothing to be nervous about.” Her bright grin is back now as she backs into the dining room and she waves her arms for me to follow “Besides, it’s going to be a blast to have a girl my age living practically next door.”
A blast. Really? I’m so doomed.
She makes her way fully into the other room and I have no choice but to follow. At least Chance won’t be here, so maybe I won’t make a fool of myself. One can only hope. And I’m so hoping. One dinner can’t ruin my living situation can it?
I probably shouldn’t have even thought that.
I so want to bolt.
Like now.
Chapter Three
Instead, I plaster a smile on my face when I step into the dining room. No reason to make these people think I’m really the head-case I know I am (Or to make them think it so soon anyways). I spot Mellissa right away. As she is currently placing a platter of carved meat (chicken maybe, or is it pork?) on the center of an already crowded table. And by crowded I mean like every spot, save the empty place seating’s, are covered in food.
My stomach growls at the sight of it.
Mellissa glances over to me, as she stands back up, and motions for me to come in. I was hovering just inside the doorway. My cheeks burn in a blush when I notice they are all watching me, with the same smiles. Trying to keep my own (kind of fake) smile steady, I pick up a seat across from Ashley at the large rectangular table. That’s when I see the man the voice so similar to Chance’s belongs to. His father.
Like Mellissa and Ashley, he too is watching me expectantly, at the head of the table. I have to wonder if I’ve already done something wrong. Maybe making myself fade in and out without trying? But one half attempt to check my senses tells me that no, they won’t forget me. This is something else. Like I’m some new breed of girl. In a way, I guess I am. Not that they know this of course.
“So this is the rabbit that we caught in our snare? I have tell you kiddo, you like you could fly away on an afternoon breeze.” He tells me with the same pleasant tone as his son, but with more of a bass to it.
Before I can try to say anything back over my throat that is suddenly closing up on me, Mellissa passes by him with a bowl of peas, and lightly smacks the back of his head. Like with her son, he simply grins and plays it