come back this afternoon.”
“You can go ahead,” said Nafai.
“We’re already late,” said Issib.
“So I might as well be later.”
“Grow up, Nafai,” said Issib. “Every lesson you miss is one that either you or the teacher will have to make up later.”
“I’ll never learn everything anyway,” said Nafai. “I want to hear the song.”
“Then listen while you’re walking. Or can’t you walk and listen at the same time?”
Nafai let himself be led out of the market. The song faded quickly, lost in music from other booths, and the chatter and conversation of the market. Unlike the outermarket, the inner market didn’t wait for farmers from the plain, and so it never closed; half the people here, Nafai was sure, had not slept the night before, and were buying pastries and tea as their morning supper before going home to bed. Meb might well be one of them. And for a moment, Nafai envied him the freedom of his life. If I am ever a great historian or scientist, will I have freedom like that? To rise in the mid-afternoon, do my writing until dusk, and then venture out into the Basilican night to see the dances and plays, to hear the concerts, or perhaps to recite passages of the work I did myself that day before a discerning audience that will leave my recitation abuzz with discussion and argument and praise and criticism of my work—how could Elemak’s dirty, wearying journeys ever compare with such a life as that? And then to return at dawn to Eiadh’s house, and make love to her as we whisper and laugh about the night’s adventures and triumphs.
Only a few things were lacking to make the dream reality. For one thing, Eiadh didn’t have a house yet, and though she was gaining some small reputation as a singer and reciter, it was clear that her career would not be one of the dazzlingly brilliant ones; she was no prodigy, and so her house would no doubt be a modest one for many years. No matter, I will help her buy a finer one than she could afford on her own, even though when a man helps a woman buy property in Basilica the money can only be given as a gift. Eiadh is too loyal a woman ever to lapse my contract and close me out of the house I helped her buy.
The only other thing lacking in the dream was that Nafai had never actually written anything that was particularly good. Of course, that was only because he had not yet chosen his field, and therefore he was still testing himself, still dabbling a little in all of them. He’dsettle on one very soon, there’d be one in which he would show himself to have a flair, and then there’d be myachiks of
works in the booths of the inner market.
The Holy Road was having some kind of procession down into the Rift Valley, and so—as men—they had to go all the way around it; even so, they were soon enough at Mother’s house. Issib immediately left him, floating his way around to the outside stairway leading up into the computer room, where he was spending all his time these days. The next younger class was already in session out on the south curve of the pillared porch, catching the sunlight slanting in. They were doing devotions, the boys slapping themselves sharply now and then, the girls humming softly to themselves. His own class would be doing the same thing inside somewhere, and Nafai was in no hurry to join them, since it was considered vaguely impious to make a disturbance during a devotion.
So he walked slowly, skirting the younger class on the porch, pausing to lean on a pillar out of sight as he listened to the comfortable music of small girlish voices humming randomly, yet finding momentary chords that were lost in the moment they were discovered; and the staccato, broken rhythms of boys slapping their trousered legs, their shirted arms and chests, their bare cheeks.
As he stood there, a girl from the class suddenly appeared beside him. He knew her from gymnasium, of course. It was the witchling named Luet, who was rumored to have