The Meltdown Match (A Romance Novella)
held still, too afraid that if she moved or said the wrong thing, he’d stop.
    His fingers finally closed around her hand, and his gaze met hers. “You could always try to stay this time, just to see. You never know, maybe the change of seasons would give you the same renewed feeling.” His eyes had taken on an uncharacteristic vulnerability, as if he really did want her to stay, that part of his happiness might even depend on it.
    Her heart beat faster as she stared back. What was happening? Was she experiencing the magic of the sun right now? Mitch had never done more than flirt with her, tease her, invite her on group outings or give her giant bear hugs when she returned.
    But here—now—with the rays of that beautiful sun streaming down on them, Mitch leaned closer. His hand moved from her fingers to her face, tucking a stray lock of hair behind her hair and sending chills down her spine. Courtney’s heart pounded. She willed him to lean closer still, to brush his lips against hers. Her eyes drifted shut, and she felt herself tilting forward as if compelled to do so.
    Kiss me .
    His hand moved to the back of her neck, but his warm lips didn’t cover hers. Instead, they landed on her forehead, giving her a lingering kiss before drawing away. Cool air rushed between them, reminding her of that morning, when her wonderful dream had been rudely interrupted.
    Her eyes flickered open to see uncertainty in his expression, possibly even regret. Her face flushed as heavy disappointment settled in her stomach. A forehead kiss was something you’d give a sister, a child in need of comfort, or the girl who’d never be more than a friend.
    Courtney knew all about forehead kisses—she’d written plenty of them into her books.

Salmon juices sizzled on the grill as Mitch watched Courtney from the corner of his eye. Ever since the stupid forehead kiss, things had been awkward between them. He didn’t like it. Why hadn’t he just given her a real kiss instead of chickening out? At least then he would have known from her response whether she’d wanted it or not. Now he was stuck wondering if she had been disappointed or grateful.
    He’d tried to dispel the awkwardness by taking her to the fairgrounds for some flea market browsing, but it had only made things worse. As the couple who’d won The Meltdown Match, one too many knowing smiles came their way, so he’d finally brought her back to his place for dinner. Now she sat on the railing surrounding his back patio, dangling her feet while taking in the views and saying nothing.
    Mitch bit his lip, mentally kicking himself yet again for being such a wuss.
    Courtney twisted around, swung her legs up and over the railing, and hopped down from her perch. She approached him with slow, hesitant steps, her hands shoved in the back pockets of her skinny jeans. “Are you sure you don’t need any help? I feel lame sitting here while you do all the work.”
    Mitch’s arms itched to pull her to him and kiss her long and hard. Maybe then this nervous tension would go away and leave them alone. Maybe then he’d know if she was as crazy about him as he was about her.
    He scooped the salmon from the grill, turned the heat off, and lifted the plate. “Everything’s ready,” he said, setting the plate on the table. He went inside and retrieved a salad from the fridge and twice-baked potatoes from the oven.
    When he emerged from the house, Courtney eyed the table. “Wow, this looks amazing. When did you learn to cook so well?”
    “You haven’t tasted it yet.”
    “If it tastes as good as it smells, it’s going to be fantastic.”
    Mitch pulled out a chair for her then sat down, racking his mind for something to say— preferably something funny that would make her laugh. When he came up empty, he focused on his food and rebuked himself yet again for botching things so badly earlier. Of all the dates to go wrong, this was the worst. It was too important— she was too
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