he lay his body or heid, they erms ae his always seemed tae get in the way and he ended up so uncomfortable that he hid tae keep shifting aboot. He knew it wid only be a matter ae time before he came up wae a solution tae his wee problem though, as he always came up trumps when he put his mind tae things. It wis when he wisnae concentrating, or let his guard doon fur hauf a minute, that the shite usually hit the fan and he’d end up sitting where he wis sitting noo...in the digger...wae an eejit next door, mair stupid than himsel. The screw hid jist been in and taken his metal grub tray away. The racketeers wur back in the pallet shed, gieing it big fuck wae they hammers ae theirs. He wis sitting wae his back against the cell door staring intae space when it came tae him. He knew before he even went tae try it oot that it wid be perfect. He goat up and went across tae staun, facing the two heating pipes. He reckoned that the pipes must’ve been running through the cells before they put in the moulded concrete bed in the tap left haun corner ae the cell. Underneath the bottom pipe, the gap between the windae wall and where the pillow end ae the bed started wis aboot fifteen inches wide. Looking doon fae where he wis staunin, the space only looked aboot eight inches wide, bit when ye goat doon oan tae yer knees and hid a wee swatch, the gap wis wide enough tae tuck a body intae it. He lay doon oan tae his left haun side and slid his body intae the gap.
“Ahhh!” he groaned oot loud, listening tae the echo ae his voice compete wae the hammering fae ootside.
He wis comfortably wedged between the tap end ae the concrete bed and the pipes, wae plenty ae room tae slip his body under the pipes and then slide his left erm and his left leg up between them and the wall, wrapping them roond it, as if he wis gieing the pipes a hug. The problem ae where tae put his erms wis noo solved. He stood up and took aff his jumper and rolled it in tae a wee pillow and put it intae the gap where his heid wis gonnae be. He couldnae believe his luck. This wis gonnae be a bloody doddle, so it wis. Wae his right erm and right leg hooked o’er the tap ae the hot pipes at the front, he shut his eyes fur his first test drive ae his new sleeping arrangements.
Chapter Six
Digger night wan
Johnboy lay back in the lap ae luxury, feeling cosy under his blanket, getting aw set fur his first nightshift. He put the back ae wan ae his hauns up tae his wet lips, took a deep breath and let oot an imitation ae a clap ae thunder fae they lips ae his that reverberated aroond the whole ae the digger. He thought he heard Silent let oot a wee chortle fae next door. He’d jist heard the night screw walking past his door in they tackety stud-soled boots ae his, deliberately jangling his bunch ae keys, tae disturb his and Silent’s sleep as he went tae clock-in at the wee box oan the wall, tae prove that he’d been daeing his roonds oan the night shift. The prick wis obviously daeing his best tae make as much racket as he could tae noise-up the two occupants ae the digger.
“Filthy basturt,” Tackety Boots muttered, as he goose-marched back past Johnboy’s door.
Efter arriving at Polmont, it hid taken him a few weeks tae notice the wee boxes that wur scattered aboot the place oan the walls. When he’d found oot they wur fur the nightshift screws tae clock-in tae prove that they wur oan watch and nae sleeping during their shift, they’d become fair game tae him and Silent. Mind you, he hidnae kicked wan aff the wall fur a few months though...no since he’d heard that they’d gone and alarmed them.
He thought aboot Silent lying in the cell next door tae him. When the baith ae them hid first arrived in Polmont, Silent hid telt them at the reception that he wis an apprentice joiner when they’d taken his details. That hid been news tae Johnboy,