her,” “win her heart,” and “losers do not get laid.”
If you think about the phrase “getting lucky,” referring to when a male gets a female into bed, you can see that the phrase carries several embedded messages: The male should feel lucky (1) as if the female did him a favor by giving him the sex that only he wants, but she did not enjoy as much, (2) as if he really was unworthy of her, and (3) that his own actions had nothing to dowith getting laid. It was just luck! That is a lot of meaning embedded into two words.
Other expressions are also heavy with the same meaning. To refer to a woman as being “out of your league” implies that she is unreachable and not even worth pursuing because she is too good for you. In line with this theme of competition comes the expression, “losers do not get laid.” This implies that winners do get laid and that it is impossible to get girls if you fail in sports, school, or your career. To “win her heart” also implies that a male must compete for females in some way, and an expression such as “you do not deserve her” leaves no question as to its meaning.
Every time these expressions are used, social conditioning is being passed on and reinforced, usually without any thought or awareness. Through this process, males learn not only to pursue females like trophies, but also that they are
valuable than women since they have to work to pursue women and prove themselves to them. Even if they do not believe it, they will still act like it if they adopt such behavior.
However, if males are led to believe that they must earn females, then females cannot simply spread their legs for every male that comes along and shows interest in them. Females have to play their part as well. They must not be promiscuous to be something to be earned, and this is why females’ sexuality has been controlled throughout history and why it still is — in all cultures.
This should come as no surprise, but a quick look at how females have been treated throughout history, how they are treated today, how they are spoken to, what labels they get, how laws affect them, and how modern discussions go makes this very apparent.
For instance, sexual promiscuity in females has always beenconsidered a sin, and most religions preach stories about “virtuous” females who are all virgins to emphasize the importance of avoiding sex. However, such ideas still live on even outside religion, and today we have plenty of everyday expressions that are based on these ideas. It is common to refer to a female who has not yet had sex as a “good girl” or “innocent.” Otherwise she is “bad” or “naughty,” implying that she has done something wrong and is guilty of something, even if she has not committed any crime. Even today, females are typically raised to be “good girls,” which pretty much means that they stay at home instead of going out late at night and avoid getting pregnant before marriage. But the institution of marriage was invented long ago as yet another way to control females’ sexuality, and it is even called wed
to keep females from being “loose.”
In addition, females are not allowed, either formally or informally, to show as much skin as males are. This is obvious in the Muslim world. Muslim females cover their bodies, sometimes entirely, and similar attempts to control females’ sexuality persist in the modern civilizations of the Western world too; it is just not as obvious. The same people who think that the way Muslim females cover their bodies is both outrageous and unacceptable usually get upset when their own teenage daughters want to leave the house in a tiny skirt. These people also often live in countries that have made it illegal for females to expose their naked chest in public. There are no such laws for males, and the movies that contain topless females are rated with stricter age restrictions than those that display shirtless