figment of my imagination at first — blinked — and yet a second time. The face of a man stared back at me from behind the curved glass, eyes glowing with malevolent hatred, and lips drawn back in a snarl that revealed crooked, yellow fangs. For a moment only the vision held. The next instant the jar was empty of all save a tiny pile of white, flaky ash and the bones of the mouse.
Dr. Dorp shut the door suddenly and noisily.
“That face,” I exclaimed. “Did you see it also?”
“A queer distortion of the gas-inflated protoplasm,” he replied.
Chief McGraw seemed greatly perturbed. He drew a long black cigar from his pocket, lighted it and puffed nervously for a moment.
“Distortion, hell,” he muttered. " It-was a perfect double for the face of Ammune Benny!”
The End