The Makeover

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Book: The Makeover Read Online Free PDF
Author: Vacirca Vaughn
for someone who might rebuild the wall of
righteousness that guards the land. I searched for someone to stand in the gap
in the wall so I wouldn't have to destroy the land, but I found no one.”
    Paulo waited as
the Spirit of God gave him revelation as to how this Word applied to the girl’s
unique situation.  Paulo felt the Spirit telling him that God would be
using him to fight for the girl, to restore her to righteousness…that there was
no one else in the girl’s life that would stand up and fight for her in the
spiritual realm.  The girl was alone, spiritually and socially, and needed
someone to help her.  Paulo understood that the Lord was commissioning him
to pray for the girl that she would receive salvation, but would also use him
to help the girl in some other ways.
    “Is that all
You want, Lord?  For me to pray for her?  I don’t want to run ahead
of You.  We both know what happened before when…”
    But the Spirit
wouldn’t allow Paulo to bring up the past.  Paulo had already been
forgiven for his mistakes and the Lord had already cast his failures into the
sea of forgetfulness.  God confirmed this fact by leading Paulo to read a
scripture he had been reminded of time and time again.  His eyes fell on
Romans 8:1-2 that stated, “So now there is no condemnation for those who belong
to Christ Jesus.  And because you belong to him, the power of the
life-giving Spirit has freed youfrom the power of sin that leads to
    Paulo chuckled
ruefully as his heart swelled with love for his Savior.  “Thank You,
again, Jesus.  Now about the girl…?”
    The Lord
confirmed for Paulo that He was leading Paulo into battle for the girl’s soul
as he read the passage in Ephesians 6 that discusses spiritual warfare. 
But the Lord also confirmed at some point, Paulo would be called to minister to
the girl.  Paulo read out loud from 2 Timothy 2:24-26, “A servant of the
Lord must not quarrel but must be kind to everyone, be able to teach, and be
patient with difficult people. Gently instruct those who oppose the truth.
Perhaps God will change those people’s hearts, and they will learn the
truth.  Then they will come to their senses and escape from the devil’s
trap. For they have been held captive by him to do whatever he wants.”
    Paulo was
humbled this time as he reread the words three more times.  Although the
Lord had kept him from wallowing in self-pity about his past failures, He was
still merciful enough to remind Paulo of how to avoid them. 
swallowed.  “Yes, Father.  I know.  I need Your help in this
area.  I do tend to get…harsh when people don’t get the truth right
away.  I get so frustrated because it’s obvious what You’ve done and who
You are.  It’s just so bizarre how people will reject You and...”
    It was Me
who opened Your eyes, My son.   It was Me who called you out of
darkness.  You used to reject Me too, or have you forgotten?  
    Paulo swallowed
in shame as the words washed over him from a deep place within his
spirit.  “Yes, You’re right, Father.  Forgive me.  Being a
hypocrite again.  Father, help me with my pride issues, please.  And
please give me Your grace and patience this time.  Please fill in the gaps
where I am lacking.  It’s not by my own strength, power, or might that
this girl will be saved.  It’s by Yours.  Don’t let me get arrogant,
impatient, or pushy this time, God.  Cause me to do this exactly as You
want.  Please Jesus, help me to be fruitful in carrying out my duty as a
    And the Lord
led Paulo to pray and prepare for the battle.  That night, Paulo began, as
led by the Spirit of God, to pray for the woman’s soul and salvation.  He
prayed for her for the next few days.  The woman stayed on Paulo’s mind constantly,
the burden to pray so overwhelming that Paulo began to lose sleep.  He
sensed that she was in danger, but did not know exactly what was
happening.  Paulo was concerned but not
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