Dreamer does not approve of wreaths or crosses. We just arrange the flowers in their own natural beauty. It’s one of the Dreamer’s own ideas. I’m sure Mr. Bogolov would prefer it himself. Won’t you justleave it to us, Mrs. Bogolov? You tell us what you want to spend and we will do the rest. I’m sure you will be more than satisfied. Thank you, Mrs. Bogolov, it’s a pleasure…”
Dennis passed through and opening the door marked “Inquiries” found himself in a raftered banqueting-hall. The “Hindu Love-song” was here also, gently discoursed from the dark-oak paneling. A young lady rose from a group of her fellows to welcome him, one of that new race of exquisite, amiable, efficient young ladies whom he had met everywhere in the United States. She wore a white smock and over her sharply supported left breast was embroidered the words,
Mortuary Hostess.
“Can I help you in any way?”
“I came to arrange about a funeral.”
“Is it for yourself?”
“Certainly not. Do I look so moribund?”
“Pardon me?”
“Do I look as if I were about to die?”
“Why, no. Only many of our friends like to make Before Need Arrangements. Will you come this way?”
She led him from the hall into a soft passage. The
here was Georgian. The “Hindu Love-song” came to its end and was succeeded by the voice of a nightingale. In a little chintzy parlor he and his hostess sat down to make their arrangements.
“I must first record the Essential Data.”
He told her his name and Sir Francis’s.
“Now, Mr. Barlow, what had you in mind? Embalmment of course, and after that incineration or not, according to taste. Our crematory is on scientific principles, the heat is so intense that all inessentials are volatilized. Some people did not like the thought that ashes of the casket and clothing were mixed with the Loved One’s. Normal disposal is by inhumement, entombment, inurnment or immurement, but many people just lately prefer insarcophagusment. That is
individual. The casket is placed inside a sealed sarcophagus, marble or bronze, and rests permanently above ground in a niche in the mausoleum, with or without a personal stained-glass window above. That, of course, is for those with whom price is not a primary consideration.”
“We want my friend buried.”
“This is not your first visit to Whispering Glades?”
“Then let me explain the Dream. The Park is zoned. Each zone has its own name and appropriate Work of Art. Zones of course vary in price and within the zones the prices vary according to their proximity to the Work of Art. We have single sites as low as fifty dollars. That is in Pilgrims’ Rest, a zone we are just developing behind the crematory fuel dump. The most costly are those on Lake Isle. They range about 1,000 dollars. Then there is Lovers’ Nest, zoned about a very, very beautiful marble replica of Rodin’s famous statue, The Kiss.We have double plots there at 750 dollars the pair. Was your Loved One married?”
“What was his business?”
“He was a writer.”
“Ah, then Poets’ Corner would be the place for him. We have many of our foremost literary names there, either in person or as Before Need Reservations. You are no doubt acquainted with the works of Amelia Bergson?”
“I know of them.”
“We sold Miss Bergson a Before Need Reservation only yesterday, under the statue of the prominent Greek poet Homer. I could put your friend right next to her. But perhaps you would like to see the zone before deciding.”
“I want to see everything.”
“There certainly is plenty to see. I’ll have one of our guides take you round just as soon as we have all the Essential Data, Mr. Barlow. Was your Loved One of any special religion?”
“An agnostic.”
“We have two non-sectarian churches in the Park and a number of non-sectarian pastors. Jews and Catholics seem to prefer to make their own arrangements.”
“I believe Sir Ambrose
Susan King, Merline Lovelace, MIRANDA JARRETT