The Long Hot Summer (Billionaire Season Book 1)

The Long Hot Summer (Billionaire Season Book 1) Read Online Free PDF

Book: The Long Hot Summer (Billionaire Season Book 1) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Kimball Lee
She was Tanya’s younger sister, both of them were native New Orleanians, their lineage was an exquisite mix of cultures going back to city’s very beginnings. Abigail and Tanya were two of the most strikingly beautiful women William had ever known, their exotic looks defined by their African, French, Spanish and Caribbean ancestors.
    “No, I’m only going to see Walden,” he said as the ancient elevator rose slowly to the top floor. “Well, I suppose you could send the jacket and mask up to me just in case,” he said cocking an eyebrow as he smiled down at the petite young woman.
    “ But of course, chere, ooh la la!” She said, using the French endearment “chere” with a Cajun twang that sounded like “ shar ”. She tapped lightly on the office door, “He’s not well, I worry for him,” she said and then she twirled around and disappeared back into the caged elevator.
    “Wills, come in! Fuck, why don’t I give all this up and settle down with Abigail, right? Someday, someday, bro. Fuck, I’m in love with her, but it comes and goes so who knows! What’s up what’s shakin’ where the fuck have you been? Man I’ve been calling you, I need to talk, like TALK, William, talk!” Walden hugged his brother as if he hadn’t seen him in years and then he sank back into a black leather desk chair and covered his face with his hands.
    “Walden, look at me,” William said, kneeling in front of his brother and prying his hands away so he could study his eyes. “Are you off your meds? Tell me the truth, I need to know what you’re on. It’s not something you can fuck around with, Walden. You have to take your medication as prescribed and you can’t be mixing it with street drugs and whiskey.”
    “I’m not, I’m not, I swear I’m not taking that fucking drain cleaner rot-gut rat poison they sell on the streets. I don’t even take the shit the girls offer me, either. And man, they have everything, these little society chicks, whoa, fuck me! They have oxy and Vicodin and this one chick whose married to… shit I don’t know, the coach of the Saints or some pro golfer or whatever the fuck… What was I saying? Oh yeah—she can still get fucking Quaaludes! I’m talking ‘ludes man, and anything else you want, you fucking name it. Look at this place Wills, it’s fucking rockin’ and the girls, the women, they’re freaks, man I’m in heaven. I’ve got the fucking mayor’s daughter strapped face down on a metal table right now, fuck, I forgot about her, I need to get in there and give her what she wants… I’m kinda messed up tonight, Wills, will you take care of her? She likes it hard and deep and dirty,” he said, looking up at William with a silent plea screaming in his eyes.
    They were so alike in looks, the same chiseled f eatures, same dark hair and chocolate-brown eyes, both of them six foot three, broad-shouldered and slim hipped. The resemblance ended there, Walden was a wild card, a renegade and most of the time a runaway train wreck. William valued control in all situations both private and personal and only allowed himself a modicum of freedom where sex was concerned. There was little more than a year’s difference in their ages, Walden was exactly thirteen months younger. Unlucky thirteen William had ruminated for most of their lives. His younger brother attracted misfortune, he was accident prone and had suffered broken bones, stitches, several concussions, a ruptured appendix and even a poisonous snakebite. And then sadly there was the main event, the defining moment of Walden’s star-crossed life, the abduction and their mother’s subsequent death that had shaped his psychosis.
    “Walden,” William said , finally settling into a low baroque chair near his brother’s desk. “I want you to go back to Lausanne for a few months, just until the end of summer possibly. Lake Geneva is incredible at this time of year, you can go sailing and sort things out in your head. You’re
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