The Letter

The Letter Read Online Free PDF

Book: The Letter Read Online Free PDF
Author: Sandra Owens
Tags: General Fiction
not survive the coming winter. Is that what you want for your mother?”
    “No, sir, but how do we know we can trust you? Father said you were a bad man. Father said that a long time ago, you hurt Mama and you would again if we let you.”
    Leo had better be slowly burning in hell. How did he convince a boy who had been taught Michael was the Devil incarnate that he could be trusted? He glanced at Diana and though she was pretending to ignore them, he knew she was listening closely. His next words might very well be the most important he would ever speak.
    “I am not a bad man, James, but what you were told is true. I did once hurt your mother.”
    The knife was pointed at him again.
    “I didn’t physically hurt her, and by that I mean I have never struck her and would never think to do so. But there are ways to hurt someone we love without using physical violence.” He watched Diana from the corner of his eye. Did she understand he was now speaking to her? “I was a young fool and didn’t trust your mother when I should have. It is a regret I will live with for the rest of my life.”
    James scrunched his eyebrows together. “Why didn’t you trust her?”
    “As I said, I was a fool and made a stupid mistake.” Michael stole another glance at Diana. She had her back to him, but she brought a hand up to her face and wiped away tears. He gripped the edge of the table.
    “What did you do, sir? Mama would never hurt anyone.”
    “I know, but as to what happened, that is between me and your mother. The decision we have to make today is how we are going to take care of her. If you were a few years older, you would be able to provide for her, but you are not quite there and could use a little help. I am offering my assistance if you will accept it.”
    “For how long?”
    “For as long as you wish it. Our first priority, of course, is adequate food and a decent place to live.” He surveyed the room. “I imagine it was difficult last winter to keep warm?” One day, he would ask her how Leo managed to deposit her in the middle of nowhere.
    James gave a vigorous nod. “We had to wear all our clothes and sleep near the fire.”
    Slept near the fire and, judging by how the clothes hung on his bone-thin frame, likely clutching his hungry belly. Michael kept his face bland. Never had his control been tested so sorely. He would feel a lot better if he could put his fist through the wall.
    “Did you have enough food?”
    “No, sir.”
    “James, you have two options here. The first is to stay and hope you and your mother can make it through the winter. The second is to accept my offer and know your survival is assured. I give you my word that I will keep you both safe.”
    Both hope and uncertainty shone in the eyes so like his. It was still difficult to comprehend James might be his son. He didn’t feel love for the boy, but he did feel a great liking. If this child was his, Michael had missed the first ten years of his life. Missed important things like witnessing a son’s first steps, first word, the first time he said “Papa.” Michael rubbed his chest, the place over his heart.
    “How do we know we can trust you to keep your word, sir? Father said you were not a man of honor.”
    If he heard one more father said , he might lose his battle to control his rage and pound a hole in the wall while picturing his cousin’s face. “Trust has to be earned, James. And though I have yet to earn yours, unless you have a better idea, I don’t think you have a choice but to believe me just a little.”
    James pushed his hand through his hair, hair a color halfway between Diana’s honey-colored and Michael’s almost black. But the boy’s midnight blue eyes were identical to his and Michael saw his own features in the young face lined with weary resignation. He wanted to believe this boy was his son.
    “We will come with you, sir.” He looked at the knife in his hand. “But I’m keeping this and if you are lying, I
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