and Joey off to hide while he and the man spoke on the tug.
“When you come back I would suggest just coming straight this way or avoid this place altogether” the man told him. “I’d like it if you came back this way, I could use more gas and bullets but I would understand if the risk is too high.” Mark smiled and said “Well” but the man interrupted “Timothy, you can call me Timothy.” Mark continued, “Well Timothy, if the company will re-fill my tank when we head out I would be glad to pay you 5 gallons and 50 bullets for the return trip.” Timothy thought for a second and stuck out his hand. “Deal” he said and smiled.
The family was soon back on land and on the road. Before leaving Timothy told Mark to avoid 295 and Providence if at all possible. He said if they had time to take 195 to 495 because the fighting on that side had all but died out. There was a large gang fight taking place all throughout Providence and the city was medieval. Mark thanked him and shook his hand again.
When the family hit 195 it was 4:30am. They had 70 miles to go and roughly two hours to get there. It was going to be tight unless they had absolutely no other issues. Mark turned to Kara and told her “We’ve really got to stop being so cautious, it takes too much time.” He was referring to the constant stopping and scoping out issues instead of rushing in with guns blazing. She nodded and reluctantly agreed. From this point on they would be a high-speed assault vehicle.
The danger of going off road in this day and age is the possibility of road-side bombs. Gangs don’t normally build roadblocks in the middle of a field but there are times where an opening presents itself before a blockade.
Mark was barrelling towards a roadblock guarded by 5 well armed men when Kara yelled out “LEFT! NOW!!” As he cut the wheel he hit the button on the console that pumped up the airbags and gave the car an additional 3” of clearance. The Armadillo slammed into the curb and jumped it with a loud thud and came down hard enough to skid the bottom of the car against the gravely trail. They were now rocketing through the courtyard of an apartment complex at over 50 miles per hour with the lights off.
The gang opened fire but quickly lost the car behind the buildings. Mark snaked back and forth through the rows of houses until Kara yelled “RIGHT!” and he cut the wheel, jumped the curb back onto the road and slammed the gas to the floor as they sped away from the road block. Joey popped the turret out and popped off two quick bursts in the direction of the blockade which sent the guard scattering and stopping their return fire completely.
Mark laughed and eased the Armadillo back into a cruising speed. “That was much more fun than the other roadblocks, good job baby!” Kara gave him a high-five and they quickly kissed. Mark realized he hadn’t even wanted a sniff since their trip started. Of course now that he thought about it the idea began to consume him. Kara noticed and put a small dab on her finger for him to snort. He thanked her and gave her hand a squeeze. Joey complained that he needed a coffee as they were all suffering from their addictions. Mark pointed Joey to the survival sack and to the caffeine pills contained within. “Just one” Mark said sternly. Kara slipped half a lortab at the same time. They were one happy but very dysfunctional family at the moment.
Chapter 5- Welcome to Boston Laddie!
Boston was walled off much like New York City and most other major cities in the world now. The entire facade was graffiti from various gangs around the city. Prominent in the suburbs inside the first wall of defense was an upside down shamrock. That symbol belonged to an Irish gang that liked to terrorize visitors to the once great city.
With the sun quickly rising the family passed through the first set of gates. Most companies did not protect the city from these fortifications; they were more used to trap the
Laurie Kellogg, L. L. Kellogg