The Language of Spells

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Book: The Language of Spells Read Online Free PDF
Author: Sarah Painter
really.’ Lily didn’t appear to be listening and was unpacking her bag on the table. A flask appeared. And a brown paper bag that smelled of yeasty goodness.
    ‘I brought you some soup and bread.’
    ‘You don’t have to—’
    ‘Just while you settle in. Bless you, I’m sure you haven’t been shopping yet.’ She gave Gwen a disconcertingly direct look. ‘Don’t worry. I’m not staying. I’m not one of those nosy neighbours. Always popping in. Some people like to be social and some people don’t. We respect that round here.’
    Lily gave a little tinkling laugh that lifted the hairs on the back of Gwen’s neck. ‘Watch out for Janet, though. She runs the Honey Pot and is the town gossip.’
    There was a pause as Gwen wondered how to get rid of Lily. ‘I was thinking about sorting through things today.’
    ‘Don’t forget to check the list.’
    ‘The list?’
    ‘The list of contents. Everything is in its place. I don’t want you thinking I have light fingers. You have to sign to say everything is as it should be.’
    Understanding dawned and Gwen blushed. ‘I didn’t mean I was checking. I didn’t—’
    ‘That’s all right. You don’t know me, after all. You aren’t local. You don’t know what a good friend I’ve been.’
    ‘I’m sure you’ve been wonderful.’ Gwen wanted Lily to leave. She hadn’t sat down, which was a good sign, but good manners overtook her mouth. ‘Would you like a cup of tea?’
    ‘I won’t take up any more of your time. You’ve got your work cut out for you here.’
    Gwen smiled. Relief made her giddy. ‘I’m quite looking forward to it. I’ve never had my own house before.’
    Lily looked at her curiously. ‘You’ve never bought a house?’
    ‘No. Just rented. Usually just a room in a shared house, actually.’
    ‘Oh?’ Lily pursed her lips. ‘Isn’t that a bit cramped?’
    ‘A bit. I’ve always moved around so much – for my work – my domestic arrangements haven’t mattered much.’ Gwen had always felt safest moving around. Pendleford had been the last place she’d called home and that hadn’t ended well.
    ‘You’re not working now, though.’
    ‘Not right at this second. No.’ Gwen didn’t feel the need to explain Curious Notions to Lily. She seemed like the type who would turn her nose up at second-hand, let alone ‘craft’.
    ‘You’re going to stay, then?’
For now
    Lily made a face. ‘Make sure you find that list. I don’t want any trouble.’ She picked up her bag and headed out of the door at a clip. ‘And make sure you have that soup tonight. It’s chicken.’
    Okay, Gwen thought. So Lily was a bit odd. A bit intense. She opened the file again and plucked out the sheaf of stapled A4 paper with ‘End House, Contents’ typed on the top sheet. It was handily split into rooms, but after a minute of reading: one candlestick, pewter, broken base; one wool rug, red; three fountain pens; one wastepaper basket, her will to live fled. She was sure Lily hadn’t taken anything, anyway. She flipped to the last page and signed the declaration at the bottom. She made another mug of tea and drank it at the kitchen table. Why would she be so anxious for Gwen to check the list if she had? Unless she was looking for something. Gwen shook her head to release the ridiculous thought, but instead found herself staring at the small grey key.
    A key for a locked door. Gwen didn’t have to pause; the knowledge jumped to the front of her mind; an extrovert piece of information that couldn’t wait for its turn in the spotlight. She ventured outside to the small outbuilding beyond the vegetable patch and tried the whitewashed door. It was locked. The key turned smoothly and the door swung inwards. The room wasn’t big, but it was obviously well used. A scrubbed wooden bench sat against one wall, a chair pushed neatly underneath. Another wall was filled by shelves and these were crowded with jam jars, neatly
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