Helghast shrieks and steps back, its eyes glowing red with fear and loathing. It recognizes the power you wield, a power that is the bane of its Darklord masters, a power that can bring about their total destruction.
Gnaag Helghast: COMBAT SKILL 34 ENDURANCE 48
This creature is immune to Mindblast (but not Psi-surge). Unless you possess the Magnakai Discipline of Psi-screen you must reduce your ENDURANCE by 2 points at the beginning of every round you fight this creature. If you have completed the Lore-circle of the Spirit, you may increase your COMBAT SKILL by 2 points for the duration of this combat. (Remember to double all ENDURANCE point losses sustained by the enemy due to the power of the Sommerswerd.)
If you win the combat, turn to 268 .
Paido opens the tailboard and you pull yourself into the wagon. The driver jerks the reins and the rickety vehicle moves away, its wheels squealing as it clatters across the flagstoned quadrangle. In the narrow street ahead you see your horses hitched to a post outside a bakery. You call to the cloaked driver to stop and immediately he obeys your command, pulling his mules to a halt opposite the baker's shop. You bid farewell to your silent friend and retrieve your horses. He returns your wave with a smile and, as you mount your horse, you notice that around his neck he wears a wooden amulet shaped like a fish.
Suddenly the sound of angry voices echoes along the street as the monks emerge from the baker's shop. You and Paido spur your horses to a gallop, and not until you reach the town's north gate do you bring them to a halt.
Turn to 347 .
You take the grape-sized seed from your pocket and toss it over the counter. Seconds later there is a blinding flash as the Fireseed erupts into flame. The innkeeper leaps into the air, screaming like a madman as he fights to smother the flames which are eating a large hole in the seat of his trousers. He scrambles through the overturned tables and chairs and disappears through the main door. An instant later you hear a loud splash and the hiss of steam as the unfortunate dwarf leaps feet-first into the village stream.
Turn to 70 .
As you run you pull some food from your pack and drop it behind you in the mud. The temptation proves too much for the ravenous spider and it stops to gobble up the scraps. You escape into the mist.
Turn to 129 .
Your instinct saves you. The speeding shaft punctures your sleeve, drawing an angry red weal across your forearm before shattering against the wall behind — lose 2 ENDURANCE points.
The bowyery owner utters a thin cry of disbelief and hurls the bow at your head, distracting you as he unsheathes his sword.
Bourn the Bowyer: COMBAT SKILL 19 ENDURANCE 24
If you win the combat, turn to 87 .
The wagon pulls away as the monks turn the corner into the alley. As soon as they set eyes on you and Paido they raise the alarm. ‘Murderers!’ they scream, their voices echoing across the town. One of them turns and disappears into the quadrangle to summon more help. The remaining four unsheathe their swords and spread out in a line. Their eyes blaze with hatred as they prepare to attack.
Monks of the Sword: COMBAT SKILL 22 ENDURANCE 31
You may add 5 points to your COMBAT SKILL for the duration of the fight as Paido is fighting alongside you.
If you win the combat, turn to 106 .
‘I am Tadia the Prophetess,’ she says, her voice soft and lilting, ‘and you are Lone Wolf, Lord of the Sun-realm, Skarn, of legend.’ Paido reaches for his sword but you stay his hand, for you sense that this woman wishes to help, not harm you.
‘We live in an age of great peril. Your enemies of old are our enemies; they stand poised to conquer our land and I fear we are too weak to resist them. Your purpose is known to me, and I will aid you all I can in the hope that you will fulfil your destiny and destroy the champions of darkness.’
Tadia raises her arms and