The Ironwood Collection of Alpha Moves

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Book: The Ironwood Collection of Alpha Moves Read Online Free PDF
Author: Ian Ironwood
Tags: Sex, Health; Fitness & Dieting, Self-Help, Psychology & Counseling, Sexuality
have picked the wrong wife and might need to start over.  Which Game is great for.
    Justifying your unwillingness to improve your life by claiming to be “authentic” or “being yourself” is just a lie you tell yourself to protect your ego.
    In other words, arguing for your limitations is the surest way to keep them.  
    An essential element of the Red Pill upon which all forms of Game are predicated is the idea of seeing things as they are , not as how we wish them to be .  "To be, rather than to seem", esse quam videri . 
    You can't learn Game and still see all creatures with vaginas as inherently Good and all creatures with penises as inherently Evil.  You must accept that yes, women can be heinous as hell when it comes to the hearts of men, and that assuming they are acting in good faith is the surest way to profound disappointment.
    Telling yourself that your crappy presentation and poor social skills are just you being "authentic" is an argument in favor of your own ignorance and sloth.  Which in turn increases the Blue Pill fallacy that all women are special little snowflakes and that you are inherently Not Worthy of her vagina.  It's a self-fulfilling prophecy of loserdom that gives men reasons to hate other men.  And that's just . . . unmanly .
    So don't see Game as "trickery" or lessons in how to fake your way into a girl's bed.  You aren't tricking her.  In fact, a core principal of Game is to say as little as possible, and keep your answers vague.  You are merely using her own sexuality against her, the same way a big pair of juggs can be used against you as a woman presses for advantage. 
    You're still a Nice Guy . . . you're just a Nice Guy who's determined to get laid, because getting laid is important to all guys, nice and otherwise.  You might not be a natural Alpha, but I wasn't a natural tennis player either -- I had to take lessons.  Now I'm a mediocre tennis player, but I haven't betrayed my "inner tennis player" or felt degraded because I wasn't naturally talented at tennis.
    And that's the whole point: it's just a skill, just a tool, just a social technology used to secure something important to your well-being.  There's no shame in that, and there shouldn't be.

Chapter One:

    Alpha Move: First, Buy A Black Fedora
    "If someone is looking to apply Game to his life, what would you identify as the most important change/action to take to get started?"
    T here were a lot of great Manosphere responses, mostly reiterating the absolute importance of fitness. I'm not going to contradict that, as there is too much truth to it, but starting to increase your Alpha with a thousand crunches is a little daunting.
    There are a lot of Betas out there, hovering on the edge of the Manosphere, eager to take their first step into a bigger, more challenging and more masculine world. But they don't know how to commit to it meaningfully -- not to their wives, but to themselves. It's all too easy to give up, whack off, and play WoW for the rest of the night. Let's face it: personal transformation is hard.
    But there are ways to assist it along. One dramatic and often under-utilized way is by altering your visual appearance appreciably . If you're truly committed to the Red Pill path, and you're trying to activate a visual component, then the next best thing to growing/shaving a beard for a dude is this:
    Buy a hat.
    Not just any hat. Buy a black fedora , in your size, as good as you can afford.
    Why, you ask?
    I'm so glad you asked.
    When it comes to Game, merely working out and learning the intricacies of feminine psychology isn't enough. To truly master Game, you have to come to terms with your own masculinity in a culture that has, for two generations, punished everything about masculinity. Nine times out of ten a dude who's investigating the Red Pill Road for the first time has been so battered and bruised by
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