The Horny Night Gaunt
be.  You are mine, have no doubt about that.  You will be my Queen and you will have my spawns.  My subjects will kneel at your feet and call you their Queen.
    “I do know that.  I don’t know how but I do.”
    He held on to her torso with his clawed hands.  He was holding on tight but never once did he hurt her.  One hand moved down her body to graze her breast.  He grabbed it in his hand and started squeezing.  He was thrusting into her body and his mighty wings were flapping with each push.  He was in a frenzy.  He couldn’t get enough of her.  He pumped into her for about 15 minutes.  Never letting up on the force he was using.  He was so focused on the sliding of his dick.  In and out. In and out.  Wet. Hot. Mine.   Then he heard Kim speak.  Her words had no comprehension in his mind.  He looked into her eyes.
    I am sorry, what did you say, my Queen?
    “Why am I hanging upside down?” Kim asked in a husky voice.
    Because I didn’t want to hold back this time when I fucked you!
    He pulled his dick out, not wanting to neglect his Queen and reached his hand down to put a claw up to her clit.  She squealed in surprise at the sensation.  He slid one digit inside her sheath carefully, careful not to cut the inside of her pussy.  Then he slid a second into her and gently scratched the inside wall of her vagina right where her G-spot was.  Along with that, he brought his thumb nail up to gently pierce her clit.  She screamed violently and her body convulsed with such strength he nearly was pushed off of his own perch. “Oh God, what was that?  I think my life flashed before my eyes!”  She tried to recover herself and asked “Can you make love to me without me hanging upside down?”
    You might be surprised what I can do.
    He snapped the restraints that held her ankles to the bar with his feet.  He wrapped his arms around her waist and started to fly.  He pumped his wings to right them in the cave then veered out on the cave opening.  He flew towards the heavens and she put her arms around his neck.  She was scared out of her mind but happy to finally get to touch him.  She ran her hand down his chest and felt the texture of his muscles.  That’s when he smelled her fear.
    Don’t be afraid, I won’t drop you!  Ever!
    She wrapped her legs around his waist in invitation for him.  He didn’t waste a single moment.  He drove into her as slow as he could.  She was wet and that made his cock swell even more.  He started pumping into her.  His mighty wings flapped with each pump of his dick.  He went higher and she kissed him where he should have had a mouth.  As she licked and sucked at the skin that would have covered his lips, he had never wanted a mouth more.
    He continued to ride her like the monster he was, kneading her breast with one claw while the other held on to her waist.  His tail curled around her and held her still.
    Don’t be afraid.  Trust me.
    “I do.”
    Swiftly he unhooked her legs from his waist and turned her around in their embrace.  He put one arm around her waist and put the other hand over one of her big breast.  He slid his cock in from behind and groaned in her ear.  She shuttered and accepted his cock with heat.  He flew them up higher and then angled them where all she saw was ground. His clawed feet wrapped gently around her ankles to make her parallel to the ground.  She felt like she was flying like Superman.  He spread her legs apart, then he punched his cock in even harder than before.  She gasped and in turn it made her sheath pulse and clench around him.  His tail slid up her thigh then around her belly to move downwards toward her clit.  His tail started flicking the nub as if it were a tongue.  She started breathing faster.
    Kim moved her arms back to go around his neck.  This motioned jutted her big breasts out.  His tail flicked faster and faster and she held on to him with all her might then started to cum pulsing around his
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