The Haunted Halls

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Book: The Haunted Halls Read Online Free PDF
Author: Glenn Rolfe
Farmington. He stashed his new teen squeeze at the Bruton Inn, supplying her with ample cash and a rental car.
    “So this guy just pays for your room, and that really cool car?” Christina said. The sweating bottle of Schlitz in her hand and the warm buzz the alcohol was delivering to her exhausted body felt like paradise.
    “Well, I mean, it’s not like it’s for nothing,” Sarah began. “I have to fuck the guy like three nights a week, and suck his dick about twice that.” She paused to light a Marlboro. “He isn’t even good-looking, but he’s fucking loaded.”
    “Wow. What about his wife?” Christina reached for the pack of cigarettes lying on the bed between them.
    Sarah exhaled, handing her the pink Bic, “What about her?”
    Christina lit the cigarette, took a drag, and asked, “Have you met her? Does he talk about her?”
    “What do I give a fuck?”
    “Do you want him to leave her?”
    “No fuckin’ way.” Sarah said, rising up from the bed. She was dressed in a Van Halen t-shirt, and a pair of cut-off blue jeans, and with her long dark curls and perfect ass, she loosely resembled Daisy Duke from the Dukes of Hazzard . She was beautiful. No wonder she had a married man wrapped around her finger. Christina envied her.
    Sarah went to the mini fridge by the television, grabbed two more beers and continued, “Tina, just look at this. This is fucking perfect. I get this rad room, money, beer and cigarettes, and that fucking car, and I don’t have to live with this guy or all of his fucking problems.” She handed Christina one of the brown bottles. “If he leaves this cunt, I’ll have to live with him and put up with his small dick every night. No thanks.”
    Right off the bat, Sarah had taken to calling her Tina. It was not the first time her name had been shortened. Her Algebra teacher, Ms. Dalton, had also called her Tina. Christina liked her name just fine, but was cool with whatever anyone else liked, especially Sarah. She was in awe of this girl. Sarah had it all; looks, grit, coolness, and she had the attitude to make it all work. Christina couldn’t remember ever seeing a woman so strong, so sure of herself, so in control.
    “What will you do if he tells you he wants to leave her?” she asked, scooting her bottom up against the headboard.
    Sarah’s eyes narrowed, her expression like a junkyard dog; mean, and nasty. “Let’s just hope for his sake, he isn’t that fucking dumb.”
    The look didn’t quite fit her beauty; it was too dark, too heavy. Christina didn’t like it. Sarah Ford was something all right, but Christina wasn’t sure what.
    Present Day
    The second floor hallway was different, yet the same. It took Jeff a minute to figure it out. The light at the opposite end went out, and he realized what it was–the portraits lining the corridor walls were all upside down.
    Approaching room 211, the second light from the end went out, then the next, and then the next. He stopped.
    “They won’t stop screaming.”
    Jeff turned to find Gale Thompson standing directly behind him. He hadn’t heard the tall blonde creep up on him, and found it unnerving. Her ice cold blue eyes stared beyond him. Turning to see what she was looking at, he was terror-stricken by the two people approaching from the shadowy end of the hallway.
    The tall guy from room 213 and a beautiful dark-haired girl he had never seen before stalked in their direction. The big guy, wearing a blood-covered grin, carried something in his hand that was dripping all over the plush maroon hallway carpet. The severed head of Ben Thompson. The dark-haired girl’s long, sky blue gown was also splattered with blood. Black orbs stared out from their skulls in place of eyes. Depthless, yet infinite—no white, no color, just perfect darkness.
    Jeff tried to retreat, backing into the tall blonde whose husband’s head was in this monster’s hands, but she didn’t budge. He turned backed to her and found her blue irises
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