The Gospel According to Judas by Benjamin Iscariot

The Gospel According to Judas by Benjamin Iscariot Read Online Free PDF

Book: The Gospel According to Judas by Benjamin Iscariot Read Online Free PDF
Author: Jeffrey Archer
walked a short distance, Judas boldly asked: ‘Who is your Father?’
    33. Jesus answered: My Father is in heaven .
    34. Judas said: ‘Were you speaking to your Father when you were praying in the hills?’
    35. Jesus turned to face Judas, and said: ‘Yes, I was praying to my Father in heaven.’
Luke 11:1–2
    36. ‘Master, will you therefore teach us to pray as you pray to your Father?’
    37. Jesus smiled and, on turning to the rest of the disciples, said: Whenever you pray, speak these words:
    Father, may your name be made even more holy on this earth .
    May your kingdom soon come into this world .
    Please give us enough bread to sustain us each day .
    Forgive us our sins, as we forgive the sins of others .
    Stand by us and protect us when the final day of reckoning comes .
Luke 11:1–4
    38. The disciples repeated these words, hour upon hour, day after day, in order that the prayer taught by Jesus might be passed on from generation to generation.

Chapter 10
Give them something to eat
    1. After Jesus had taught his disciples how to pray, they continued on their way to Capernaum.
    2. As the Master entered the city, Judas was surprised and fearful when he saw a centurion standing in his path.
    3. He said: My servant has fallen sick. He is bedridden and unable to move .
    4. Jesus answered: I will come to your home and make him well again .
    5. The centurion said: It will be enough for you to say, your servant is healed, for I am a man used to giving and taking orders. I say to a soldier go, and he goes, and if a superior officer says to me come, I come. So my servant will be healed if you so command .
    6. Jesus said: Return to your home and you will find your servant is well again .
    And at that time, the servant rose from his bed .
    7. Jesus turned to his disciples and said: I have not seen such faith, no, not in the whole of Israel .
Matt 8:5–13;
Luke 7:1–10
    8. Although Jesus had instructed the waiting crowd to disperse and go home, wherever he turned, the multitude had increased in numbers.
    9. While those around him were clearly tired and hungry, Jesus continued to walk among the crowd, showing compassion and concern. He turned to Peter and said: Give them something to eat .
    Mark 6:37;
Matt 14:16;
Luke 9:13
    10. Judas wanted to tell the Master that they had sufficient food for his immediate followers, and that as they were surrounded on all sides, with only the Sea of Galilee behind them, he should instruct them once again to return home.
    11. Peter also could not understand his Master’s request, and warned Jesus: We only have five loaves and two fishes .
    12. Then Jesus said to his disciples: I feel compassion for these people. They have followed me all day, and I fear that they have had nothing to eat. If I send them away, many will collapse, and some may not even survive the journey. Do not forget that those who have travelled from Tyre, Sidon and the Decapolis are a long way from their homes .
Mark 8:1–3;
Matt 15:32
    13. The celebration of the Passover was at hand, and it was that time of the year when there was much green grass upon the ground.
    14. Jesus instructed his disciples to organize the crowd in the manner Moses had done when he prepared Israel for their march from the slavery of Egypt at the time of the first Passover.
    Exod 18:21–25;
Num 31:14;
Deut 1:15
    15. The crowd numbered about five thousand, and they gathered around Jesus to await his instructions.
    16. Judas recalled that the masses awaiting the coming of the Messiah at Khirbet Qumran had been assembled as the chosen people of God into groups of one thousand, one hundred, fifty and ten.
    Community Rule
[1Qs] 2:21–23;
Rule of the
Congregation [1QSa]
1:14–15, 28–29;
2:1; The War Scroll
[1QM] 4:1–5,
    17. Judas was aware of the time-honoured custom of the sectarians of Qumran, and began to organize the crowd as Jesus
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