THE GIFT: A Highland Novella

THE GIFT: A Highland Novella Read Online Free PDF

Book: THE GIFT: A Highland Novella Read Online Free PDF
Author: Margaret Mallory
    The bushes offered scant protection from the damp wind whipping through the valley. Her eyelids were practically frozen open by the time the men finally began packing up to leave. After another round of backslapping and boasts, the Douglases mounted their horses and rode off, weaving in their saddles.
    Lily emerged from her hiding place and went to stand beside Roderick, who was still packing up his horse.
    “ We ’ re rid of the Douglases. ” He spoke without turning.
    “ Good, ” she said, though she was not entirely sure if he had spoken to her or the horse. “ Are you too drunk to ride? ”
    Roderick spared her a scornful sideways glance, then returned his attention to the horse.
    “ Well, are you? ” she asked. “ If so, you must instruct me on how to guide the animal. ”
    The horse pawed the ground and rolled his eyes at her in a remarkable imitation of his master.
    “ Alas, I am stone sober, ” Roderick muttered under his breath. “ And what kind of man cannot ride drunk? ”
    Apparently, he was the sort who could. She had begun to believe this Highlander could do whatever he put his mind to. Reassured, she went to fetch the blanket she ’ d slept on and rolled it up.
    “ I ’ m sorry if I was the cause of that fight, ” she said.
    “’ Twas bound to happen. ” Roderick took the blanket from her and tied it to the saddle. “ Harold had been spoiling for a fight since the start of the journey. I was happy to give it to him. ”
    “ Ye weren ’ t afraid? ”
    That earned her another scornful glance.
    “ Not even a little? ” she asked. “ That brute Harold ’ s neck is thicker than my waist. ”
    “ I imagine it is. ” Roderick gave her his full attention this time, giving her body a slow perusal that drove the chill from her bones like a roaring fire.
    When he lifted his gaze to hers, his eyes were a dark midnight blue that bespoke of sin and mystery. They drew her in until she found herself tilting toward him like a weak fence.
    He is going to kiss me . Of their own accord, her eyelids fluttered closed. Her heart thudded in her chest as she waited for his lips to touch hers.
    “ Harold is strong, but he lacks stamina and discipline. ”
    Lily snapped her eyes open and was mortified to find that Roderick was leaning under the horse ’ s belly, adjusting the saddle.
    “ While I ’ ve been training with a claymore since I could lift one, ” he continued, and gave the saddle a tug, “ and fighting in battles since I was thirteen. ”
    Had she imagined that Roderick wanted to kiss her? She looked down at herself in the dirty boy ’ s clothing. Aye, she must have, for it would take a violator of sheep like Harold to find her appealing like this. Still, it was strange. Her instincts about people were usually so good.
    She told herself it was fortunate Roderick had no thought of kissing her. She faced enough trouble without that. And yet, a sour disappointment curdled in her stomach.
    When he straightened and brushed his hands, a shock of black hair fell over one eye. A high-pitched sound nearly escaped her throat. By the heavens, he was a dangerously handsome man.
    “ So, Highlander, ” she said, forcing her attention back to the conversation with some difficulty, “ you were certain from the start of the fight that you would prevail? ”
    “ Aye, ” he said. “ The challenge was to make the fight last long enough so as not to humiliate him. ”
    “ You care about Harold ’ s feelings? ” She blinked at him. This was hard to credit.
    “ Ach, no. ” He gave a short laugh. “ But insulting the Douglases would not serve my chieftain and clan. ”
    Lily would do well to remember that duty, and not emotion, ruled the Highlander ’ s heart. He had not permitted anger to impair his judgment in a fight, and he would not lose his wits over a woman.
    But she feared she might be losing hers. When he put his hands on her waist to lift her onto the horse, that dizzying sensation
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