sighed with relief as he crossed over the threshold of the city’s border and into a blanket of open he fell flat on his face. It looked as though he had tripped by accident but when Henrietta looked down at him he was hugging the ground happily.
For the rest of the day the man walked steadily away from the city toward a mountain range in the distance. Surprising enough, there was a large lack of things trying to kill him out in the field. Well there was that land slide that sent him sliding down into a raging river full of rapids which threw him out on the other side just as wild dogs started barking at him from the opposite bank where he fell in. After watching that kind of thing happen all day was beginning to make Henrietta feel kinda desensitized.
Watching this man dodge mind blowing danger by happenstance lost its thrill when you finally accept that he isn't going to die by any normal means. Invulnerability really had a way of killing the fun of danger when there wasn’t any real consequence. It wasn't that she wanted him to die now, it was more she was just exhausted from being on the edge of her seat that he might die at any time. It was like watching daredevils do mind blowing stunts all day without incident. She understood that the stunt is suppose to go off without a hitch but the thrill of it all depended on the illusion that everything could go very wrong at any time. That’s what made danger exciting.
As the sun was setting behind the ash swollen world, Henrietta found that they had made it all the way to the middle of a forest. The man looked exhausted from all the walking and surviving he had to do today. She had to admit that she was beginning to admire his resilience, especially for being the most interesting uninteresting man in the zombie apocalypse.
As a ghost that tells and listens to stories for her entire afterlife so far, the only real story they really had left to tell were their experiences. Henrietta reasoned that if this man could ever find anyone to talk to he would be crazy interesting simply for surviving this long even before he got into surviving all the extra crazy stuff he had been through. In a weird way she was suspecting that the universe was making up for such a lack of personality for him by dumping every experience on him all at once. The universe was starting to appear weird like that.
In the twilit of dusk the man stumbled his way over some roots to a nook in a nearby tree. He then laid down comfortably in it and closed his eyes. Henrietta sat there watching him until he fell asleep. There wasn’t any stars out tonight due to the ashen cloud cover so she got up and started to walk around the forest. It was then that she realized that the city wasn’t hit by a nuke. This forest wasn’t that far from the city, if it had been nuked these trees would have been splinters. That realization just made her ask the question; who would want to fire bomb a city this late in the apocalypse?
Henrietta floated up above the tree canopy and sat in the branches as she looked out and watched the city burn. The city’s flames had died down to a softer orange glow. It felt strange to watch it burn down to the ground. She had spent most of her adult life in that city and all of her death. She was very attached to that city but part of her was also glad to see it gone. It was a feeling that she didn’t know she had. Death was weird.
Henrietta sat all night staring out at the orange cityscape until the sun began to peak its head over the horizon. She began to yawn as she stretched her arms purely out of habit before she descended to the forest floor. Landing with a *fwoof* that made the ash and leaves scatter, she began to look around for the tree that she left the man at last night. When she quickly spotted the tree she found the man still asleep where she left him. H HH e looked so peaceful as he slept curled up into a ball like an adorable soot covered