The Ghost Chronicles

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Book: The Ghost Chronicles Read Online Free PDF
Author: Maureen Wood
needs to go into the basement to get something, they hear a man clear his throat when no one is down there.” Vess rolled his eyes. “I can even remember a time when I was in the kitchen preparing a meal and the shrimp disappeared off the plate. I looked everywhere, but I couldn’t find it. It was gone. In seconds.”
    As I listened, I couldn’t help but have my doubts about
story. Just as I finished the interview, I could feel a surge of cold air rush by me, causing the little hairs at the base of my neck to stand at attention.
    “Something’s here!” Bob said with a broad grin. He felt it too.
    We didn’t have to be told. But just as quickly as it had appeared, it was gone.
    It was time to see if we could find any evidence to validate the stories we had just heard. Maureen rejoined us and we gathered up our equipment to do a sweep of the building, while Ron Jr. monitored base camp. During a “sweep,” we go from room to room looking for evidence of ghostly activity, such as EMF spikes, unexplained temperature fluctuations, psychic impressions, EVPs, as well as video and photographic evidence.
    When a spirit manifests its voice by manipulating the white noise on a recorder. The voices of the dead are not heard by the naked ear, but are heard later upon playback.
    It was now time to try out my brand new EMF meter, something I was pretty excited about.
    After assembling the group, with meter in hand, I turned to Maureen. “Okay Maureen, you ready? Let’s see what you can do.”
    * * *
    With a sweep of Ron’s arm, he indicated I should get a move on. “Where do you want to go?” he asked. “Lead the way.”
    Lead the way
? Was he kidding? Not wanting to look inept, I plastered on a makeshift smile and prayed I appeared more confident than I felt.
    The nervous energy I’d been fighting since I’d opened my eyes to start the day continued to gnaw at me. Before leaving my house that evening, I’d pulled a few tarot cards from my Voyager deck to gain some insight on what type of evening to expect.
    I’ve been reading tarot cards all my life as a tool to connect me with other people’s pasts, presents, and futures. I don’t usually read for myself, but it isn’t every day that I’m invited to join a team of paranormal investigators in search of communing with the dead. To gather my nerve, I visualized the two cards I’d pulled: the Sensor, a sign to me that my senses were in overdrive, and the Magician, a card of dreams realized and manifestation. Although it was too early to know for sure, I’d say that the “manifestation” card was right on the mark. I’d known it the second I’d walked into the Windham Restaurant. The air danced with electricity, a sure sign to me that it was haunted, inhabited by an earthbound spirit.
    Finishing our sweep of the first floor, we climbed the stairs to the second floor, Ron directly behind me with his EMF meter and the remainder of his team nipping at his heels. As we walked through the second floor of the restaurant, I felt a presence. Intuitively I knew it was a male spirit. By the weight of the energy, the lightness, and the fleeting feel of it, I knew he remained at a distance. His presence wisped around us, darting too and fro, coming close, then retreating just as quickly as he’d come. Having had more than twenty-five years, experience in dealingwith the paranormal, I knew this activity meant the spirit was just as curious about us as we were about him.
    That all changed a few moments later, when we walked into the room Ron referred to as the wait station, an undersized prep area with coolers, a sink, a counter, and some small appliances. The second we crossed the threshold, the atmosphere became dense and statically charged—it grabbed me like a live wire. It was the same feeling I’d experienced when we had first arrived. I glanced at Ron.
    “A male spirit is here, and he is anxious to speak.”
    We positioned
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