The German Suitcase

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Book: The German Suitcase Read Online Free PDF
Author: Greg Dinallo
anti-Semitic ordinances which, among other things, forbade sexual intercourse between Aryans and Jews. “I have it on good authority it began last year when he was still a student here.”
    “Major, I run the Orthopedic Surgery Department, not the Cardio-Vascular Lab. I have nothing to do with matters of the heart. Eva Rosenberg is a very talented doctor as is Jacob Epstein who I imagine is the other ‘student in question’.” The professor knew once the SS smelled blood nothing could keep them from the kill. He was certain all was lost when a bizarre coincidence occurred to him. It could be dangerous to mention it; but if it gave Steig pause, it was worth the risk. He dragged deeply on his cigarette, then added, “As I recall, the Führer’s philosopher-in-residence just happens to be named Rosenberg as well.”
    He was referring to Alfred Rosenberg an Estonian who had been a Hitler confidant since the early twenties. His pseudo-scientific theories of Aryan racial superiority and virulent anti-Semitism had so captivated Hitler that he made Rosenberg editor of Volkischer Beobachter , the Nazi newspaper, and made his book, Mythus —an irrational work extolling the National Socialist ideology—the Nazi bible.
    “Just because his name sounds Jewish doesn’t mean he is Jewish. Even if he’s mischlinge , he’s been crucial to articulating the Führer’s vision,” the Major said, using the word for partial-Jew. “Some Jews with skills vital to the war effort have been exempted from Relocation. Some are even being allowed to serve in uniform. Several highly decorated. General Fritz Bayerlin, Commander of the Lehr Panzer Division for one. Admiral Bernhard Rogge for another. Both awarded the Knight’s Cross with Oak Leaves and Swords by the Führer.” Steig used a heel-click to emphasize the magnitude of their achievement. Indeed, the decoration he cited was equal to each man being awarded three U.S. Medals of Honor.
    “My point exactly,” the Professor said, thinking he had pulled it off. “You see both Doctors Rosenberg and Epstein excelled in our accelerated program as did Captain Kleist. All three are certified orthopedic surgeons; and make up the most creatively talented team of doctors I’ve ever taught. Their work in the development of prosthetics is nothing short of brilliant; and, despite Kleist’s conscription, they continue to work together under my guidance. As you may know, Rosenberg and Epstein have Critical Skills Exemptions. I have their papers right here.” He removed two documents from a drawer, and gave them to the Major.
    Steig tore them in half and threw them on the floor. “All medical exemptions have been cancelled by order of the Reichsführer! Brave German soldiers don’t need Jews to save their lives! Have you forgotten that all licenses to practice medicine issued to Jews have been nullified by the Nuremberg Laws?! That they are allowed to treat only their own kind to spare Aryan physicians from exposure to racial contamination?! Have you?”
    “No I haven’t, Major,” the Professor replied evenly, exhaling a stream of smoke that filled the space between them. “It was Article Four as I recall; but under the circumstances, I thought—”
    “The Führer does the thinking, Professor!” the Major exclaimed, slapping his glove on a corner of the desk. “You will see to it that the two Jewish students in question—and any others you know of—are purged from this institution! And their files sent to my office!” The Major tugged some paperwork from an inside pocket. “In keeping with the Führer’s decree that every Jew add the name Sarah or Israel to his or her own, these warrants in the name of Eva Sarah Rosenberg and Jacob Israel Epstein call for their immediate arrest and deportation to a work camp!” He turned to the two SS men and nodded. “Find them. Search every classroom and lecture hall until you do.”
    “Wait!” the professor called out, causing the SS men to
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