The Gentlewoman

The Gentlewoman Read Online Free PDF

Book: The Gentlewoman Read Online Free PDF
Author: Lisa Durkin
kept her steely gaze trained on him.
Her motto, “show no fear”, repeating in her head.
    “I’m sure as time goes by I can think of something.” His
smile told her no shoes would be required for what he had in mind. She was
becoming hot, which made her uncomfortable. She turned the subject back to him.
    “So was that a call from one of your many women?”
    He let out a deep breath and leaned back in his seat. “No,
actually that was my son.”
    “Oh, I didn’t know you had a son. How old is he?” This
offered her some insight into the playboy she hadn’t expected.
    “He’s seventeen, a junior in high school. He lives with my
ex-wife in Portland. I see him a couple weekends a month, either here or in
Maine. He’s on his high school basketball team and is fascinated with the
girls,” he said smiling.
    “So he’s a chip off the old block. How long have you been
    “Going on ten years. We split when Ryan was seven. I think
he’s dealt with it pretty well. He’s a straight-A student and we really have no
problems with him…besides the fact that he’s a huge horn dog and constantly
chasing the girls.” He smiled as if this was something he was secretly proud
of. She laughed. It was very endearing, his obvious affection for and pride in
his son. She wondered why he and his wife split. With his reputation she
immediately wondered if he had been unfaithful. Unfortunately, it wasn’t
unusual in their line of work.
    “You’re wondering why my wife and I divorced, aren’t you?”
    She shrugged. He was so handsome. In the dim light of the
restaurant, his blue eyes shined and she knew his lips were soft and kissable.
She was attracted to him, but who wouldn’t be? He looked like he should be
modeling underwear for GQ magazine. No wonder he was a playboy. Women
probably swooned at his feet.
    “It’s really none of my business.”
    “I don’t mind. It’s no secret. My wife was unfaithful.” He
said it almost casually and it took her by surprise. He was so beautiful, one
wouldn’t expect anybody to be unfaithful to a body and face like that.
    “I’m sorry. I’m sure that was difficult,” she offered,
hoping to end this line of conversation.
    “Yes, it was a very difficult time for me. Believe it or
not, I would have preferred to remain married and work through the situation.
We tried, but without trust and with some real issues I had with her ideas on
marriage, we couldn’t make it work. That commitment was one I took very
seriously. She didn’t, so we had to divorce.”
    She reeled from his disclosure. He was very straightforward,
didn’t feel a need to hold anything back. Not like her. Of course, she doubted
even adultery hurt as much as your spouse murdering your father. She was
becoming even more uncomfortable with this conversation and her involuntary
sarcastic impulses continued.
    “So since then, you’ve been playing hard with a long line of
lovely ladies, from what I’ve heard. May as well enjoy life, eh?”
    “Well, I do enjoy women. I’m not going to lie. Except for
the time I was married, I’ve always had an appetite for certain pleasures.
Although it has been overblown in the media because of my profession.
I’m not nearly as misbehaved as they say.” He shot her a wide grin, and she
immediately knew he was lying through his teeth. Something told her this hot
bastard had played hard and taken advantage of his appeal. She seemed to recall
gossip about his preference for two or more women at the same time.
    “Well I’m not easily offended. I won’t keep count of the
women I see leaving your apartment with their panties in a bag.” She was
feeling prickly, and if she were honest with herself, a little jealous. Of
whom, she wasn’t sure.
    “Shall we go shopping for furniture? I really need to get my
condo finished.”
    “Certainly.” He signaled the waiter for the check. “How did
you like your dinner?”
    “It was very good. I like this place. It’s very
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