The Gentile Witness Book II, Elijah

The Gentile Witness Book II, Elijah Read Online Free PDF

Book: The Gentile Witness Book II, Elijah Read Online Free PDF
Author: Samuel David
assume that this Elijah means he will try and destroy Iran. We are the most vocal about destroying the Zionist and I can promise you we will definitely stop any attempt of destroying the Temple Mount. Nevertheless, I have no idea if he is Elijah or just blowing smoke. My other question, does he does have real powers.”
    I smiled as I continued. I was getting very excited as I unfolded my plan I just thought of. “We may have an opportunity to align all our Arab members and Muslims around the world against not only Israel but Western countries too. The threat he has made of the destruction of the Dome will not set well with Muslims not only here in Southeast Asia but Muslims worldwide and their governments. To me it is a great opportunity to use this to further our plan to destroy Israel, be the champions of the Arab/Muslim world, and put an end to the Zionist threat worldwide. And mind you unite all Muslims worldwide.” 
    Ayatollah Shahin said, “That well may be true President Shasahvar, but as we know from our own scriptures, Elijah is one of our prophets also. With that in mind then if he is the same Elijah we have in our Qur’an, then he is from Allah. Therefore, Elijah and this Enoch’s power’s we have just seen in America, concern me. If he is Elijah we need to find out why Allah has sent him back to us.”
    I looked around to see the expressions on their faces after my last statements. I looked at each one individually as was my custom when speaking. Once I was satisfied, I had their complete attention I then said, “It seems that he and Jack South, or Enoch as he now calls himself, may bring curses against our country. Elijah if that is who he really is threatened not only us but also all Muslims directly in his sermon. He made direct threats to all enemies of Israel whom we are the most vocal as you said Mr. President. However, I do agree with some of your thoughts of aligning the Arab and Muslim World. Now since the Americans seem to be preoccupied with these Witnesses and what they are perceived to be doing to their country…also our neighbors here in the Middle East and Northern Africa with the rains…your plan may makes some sense. However, I think that we need to see if he can prove himself as really being Elijah from Allah before we make any statements or do anything.” 
    One of the council members spoke up and said, “Ayatollah Shahin, I am concerned that Elijah is here to punish us also. He was very clear about enemies of Israel and we need to call upon Allah for guidance in this matter. It may be, if I might say as a point of consideration, that Allah and Yahweh are one and that Elijah has also been sent to us also.”
    Ayatollah Shahin replied, “That is blasphemy my friend to even suggest Allah is the same God of the Jews and Christians. You should be very careful in what you say. Now I will overlook your brief loss of your faith.”
    Looking at the man in disgust I hesitated then said, “At this point we do not know the answers to any of these questions yet, but we will soon. We must have patience and not say or do anything until we know more. We need to see if this Elijah can prove himself as the Prophet mentioned in the Hebrew scripture or in the Qur’an. Enoch is going to do another interview on American television here in a few minutes maybe we will know more after his interview and we can continue our discussions.” 

Chapter 9
    9:30 PM Thursday Kansas City, Missouri - Liberty Memorial, Anchor Desk
    In anticipation of the interview with Jack, crews had set up an interview area off from the stage, behind the Anchor desk. It came with the standard couch and interview chair, almost a duplicate copy of the New York studios. 
    John was sitting in the interview chair waiting for Jack. They had just about finished recapping the sermon and the assassination attempt and comments from the multitudes. They then went to updates around the world. They were somewhat surprised there were no
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