The Gemini Divergence
one could hear gunshots ringing out all over the factory.
    The soldiers in the room with Schwerig opened
fire on the other meeting attendees as Schwerig himself continued
firing at other administrators.
    People were falling or dying in their chairs
as some tried to escape, but to no avail.
    Shouting could be heard throughout the
factory as the soldiers on the plant floor rounded up all of the
workers into a huddled mass by an open bay door.
    While Schwerig was firing he noticed one of
his soldiers’ fire and kill Herr Baumgaertner’s personal secretary.
She just fell limp in her office chair.
    Schwerig put his hand on his forehead and
screamed, “You idiot! How will we get into the safe now?”
    Schwerig bolted to the door and yelled
towards the front office as he ran towards it, “Has the
receptionist been killed yet?”
    The soldier in the front office yelled back,
“No Sir. Should I?”
    The soldier started raising his Mauser at the
receptionist as she put her hands over her mouth in horror.
    “No! No!” shouted Schwerig as he arrived at
the front reception room, panting as he arrived.
    As he was catching his breath, he motioned
over handed with his pistol in his right hand. Bring her in
    Schwerig started walking back.
    The soldier motioned to the receptionist with
his rifle to follow Schwerig.
    As the receptionist followed the major, she
was aghast to see her co-workers laying dead everywhere as soldiers
were starting to empty files into fifty gallon drums that they had
carried into the office to work as make shift incinerators.
    Sgt. Stark was crossing things off a
checklist he had on a clipboard as they found things.
    Schwerig returned to the conference room and
used his boot to swing a chair around. He then used his gun to
gesture that she was to sit in it.
    As she turned and sat, she noticed Herr
Baumgaertner’s secretary dead in another chair.
    She immediately put her hands over her mouth
and started crying again.
    Schwerig stood at her side and touched her
cheek with his Luger and said, “Now, my darling, where is Herr
Baumgaertner’s safe located?”
    She turned and looked up at him in terror and
said, “Behind the file cabinet by his secretary’s desk.”
    Schwerig looked up at the corporal from
before, who was standing in the doorway, and ordered, “Don’t just
stand there. Check it out!”
    The corporal turned around and ordered
another soldier outside to, “Follow me.”
    Schwerig looked again at the receptionist and
asked, “Well, my darling, was there anyone from the office that was
not present today?”
    The receptionist answered “No, everyone was
here today.” Then she paused and spoke again. “But there was a man
that worked here until last week. He was offered another job at
    Schwerig rolled his eyes, because he knew
that this was an unacceptable loose end.
    He asked, “What would his name be?”
    She replied, “Herr Volmer. I believe that his
first name was Otmar. He didn’t talk to me very much. He was a very
reserved man.”
    Schwerig sat down and picked up a phone that
was on the table and dialed the operator. Once the operator was
online he said, “Get me General Von Sterbenbach’s office, this is
Major Schwerig.”
    As he waited for a reply he could still hear
sporadic gunfire and men shouting.
    Then there was a reply. Schwerig spoke into
the phone, “No. I do not have to speak with the General directly. I
need to know which officer is in charge of dispatching the
Peenemunde account.”
    He sat waiting briefly.
    He was agitated by the smoke from the fire
that his soldiers had started in the barrels to burn documents.
    Grimacing about the smell
of the smoke he shook his head at the receptionist, as if to
say can you believe this horrid
smell .
    Then suddenly he was distracted and said,
“Yes, thank you,” as he wrote on a pad of paper that he had pulled
towards himself, “Could you please have him call me here as soon as
possible? Thank you. Heil
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