The Fourth Sunrise
– Delta, Colorado - Deltarado Days, 11:00 p.m.
    “Well, the next two hours, I basically helped Christine out. I was the go-to guy to show the others it was possible that the feat could be done. Whenever someone would say, ‘There is no way to beat this game,’ Christine would nod at me, and then I would pick up a ball and shred the pins completely off the table to show the patrons it could be done.
    “ It was nearing midnight and I had been able to slip in some conversation here and there, but there was always a large group of people in line. So, I wasn’t able to really dig in and get to know her. Another hour dragged on, but I tried my best to ask her key questions. You know…the important ones. ‘What’s your favorite movie? What is your favorite color?’ And the all-important question, ‘Do you have pets?’
    “ Her favorite movie impressed me. It was From Here to Eternity . Her favorite color was pink. I liked that. It meant she was pretty feminine to love that color. The pets answer did throw me. Apparently her house was like a farm. She had pigs, goats, chickens, cats, dogs. She practically had a regular zoo at her house.
    “‘ Is that something you’re going to want later on?’ I asked, concerned. I liked animals, but her situation was a bit over the top.
    “‘ Not at all. Maybe one cat or a dog.’
    “‘ Good. I’m a dog guy. I love dogs.’
    “ One after another, people paid their quarters to play, but didn’t win. Then something interesting happened. An older man walked up to Christine and he appeared to be the guy in charge of the fair. He was a tall, lanky man with gray hair.
    “ He said, ‘Christine, why don’t you call it a night? I got Steve to finish this booth. Why don’t you and your friend enjoy the last hour of the fair?’
    “ Christine seemed surprised as if this was different than the normal protocol. I thought the old man’s offer was great. ‘Are you sure, Mr. Banks?’ she asked.
    “‘ Definitely, sweetheart. Have some fun,’ Mr. Banks answered.
    “ Christine turned to me with a look that melted my heart. With her eyes, she was asking me if I wanted to spend time with her. That alone sent a shiver down my back, that not only would this phenomenal woman ask me for anything, yet desired to spend time with me.
    “ I smiled and said, ‘I would love to walk around the fair with you.’
    “‘ Christine handed Mr. Banks her money pouch where she had been keeping all the quarters that she had received all night.’
    “ She ducked under the center module that separated the patrons from the worker’s stand and stuffed animals. As she stood straight up, she looked at me with just enough vulnerability that allowed me to know she was feeling something for me, too.
    “ We were now standing next to one another for the first time. I was a lot taller than her. I was 6’2” and she was probably 5’3”. She was adorable. She seemed so petite next to me. I must have weighed twice as much as her. Her long black hair flowed down the middle of her back. She had a natural beauty that reminded me of what was wonderful about certain women who didn’t need a drop of makeup to look beautiful. She did have on a little eyeliner and a tiny bit of lipstick. But it was almost unnoticeable.
    “ I, on the other hand, was still a bumbling idiot! ‘Would you like to eat a soda?’ I said, trying to get the right words out of my mouth. ‘I mean would you like to get a bite to eat or possibly get a soda pop?’
    “ She said, ‘Yes, please. I’m starving.’
    ‘“ Well, what’s good?’ I asked. This was her town after all.
    ‘“ At the fair? Everything. There’s a strict rule about Deltarado Days—if it can ooze cheese or butter, then it’s fair game for a snack.’
    ‘ Is there pizza?’ I asked, because butter didn’t seem appetizing, but a cheese pizza with some pepperoni certainly did.
    “‘ I’m sure we can find pizza,’ Christine said.
    “‘ Then I would
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