The Forge of Darkness (Darkness After Series Book 3)

The Forge of Darkness (Darkness After Series Book 3) Read Online Free PDF

Book: The Forge of Darkness (Darkness After Series Book 3) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Scott B. Williams
his way through the pines in the direction from which Doug Henley’s cattle had stampeded. He was almost certain that whoever it was who’d done the shooting was an outsider not from around these parts. Benny doubted anyone who knew who the legendary game warden was would have the nerve to shoot his cattle. Benny had never met Doug Henley himself, but everyone in this part of Mississippi knew of him—especially anyone that did any hunting or fishing. No one wanted to run afoul of the game laws around here because there wasn’t any getting away with it with Doug Henley around.  
    And while he might not be around now and might never come back, his boy Mitch was no doubt made from the same mold and Benny was mighty impressed with him. It didn’t matter that he was still just a teenager; Mitch Henley was the best hunter Benny Evans had ever run across, and he’d known plenty of fine woodsmen in his day. The boy was simply a natural and his skill with that wooden longbow was a sight to behold. Whoever it was who’d made the mistake of shooting into that precious herd was going to regret it, Benny was sure of that. Benny might get there first, but Mitch would be along eventually, even if it were tomorrow. Benny just hoped whoever it was; he didn’t try to get belligerent about it. He’d hate to have to kill another man so soon, but he was prepared to if it came down to it.  
    When he knew he was almost within sight of the gravel road, Benny stopped and stood motionless, watching and listening. He knew Lisa and Stacy were doing the same; he didn’t even have to glance back to make sure. The rain had picked up a bit, still not much more than a light shower, but enough that it not only would have muffled any sound of their approach, but also the movements of whoever it was he expected to find here. Benny knew he had to be cautious, because anyone brazen enough to shoot another man’s livestock inside a property fence probably wouldn’t hesitate to shoot him too. When nothing stirred in the small area he could see through the trees, he took a few steps forward and stopped again to look and listen. After repeating this twice more, Benny finally saw what he’d expected to find.  
    Two of Doug Henley’s cattle were lying on in the grass near the fence, just twenty or so yards from the gravel road. A tall figure wearing brown work coveralls emerged from the trees on the other side of the road and crossed it quickly. Benny saw that he was carrying a hunting rifle of some kind, but he couldn’t tell what it was. Benny watched as he bent and stepped through the barbed wire strands and onto the property, then leaned his weapon against a tree near the dead animals and drew a large skinning knife from his belt. He appeared to be alone, but Benny watched to be sure. After waiting several minutes, he glanced back at the girls so they could read his lips, as he silently impressed upon them that they were to absolutely stay put no matter what happened. When he was assured that they understood by the solemn nods he got from both of them, Benny turned his attention back to the intruder. Keeping his shotgun leveled and his finger on the trigger, Benny crept closer, knowing the rain would cover any sounds he might make and that his movement would go unnoticed as the cattle rustler focused on his bloody task.


    T OMMY E VANS KNEW WITHOUT a doubt that whoever fired those rifle shots was an outsider. It couldn’t have been his daddy or Lisa or Stacy, and it sure wasn’t Mitch or the other guys, because they were hunting way off down in the bottomlands and they would use their bows and arrows anyway. He figured he’d better hurry, because his daddy and the girls were up that way, probably pretty close to whoever it was. He knew a shortcut to get to the road without retracing the route they had taken on their patrol, and he walked as fast as he could without running, David following right behind him.  
    When he came within sight
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