Author: Warren Dean
that even the channels with their own airbuses would take the best part of half a day to reach Ulan Bator.
    By the time President Ganzorig's press conference was ready to start, no more than a handful of Personet crews had arrived in the city. Unfortunately for them, they promptly found themselves on the wrong side of the president's police cordon.
    Her producer's voice cut in brusquely over her 'mote.  "Any word on when the conference is going to start?"  Tolui had been silent for some time and he sounded more apprehensive than she had ever heard him before.  Mongolia Today had permanent syndication feeds to most of the big international channels but there were numerous smaller channels which were not tied in to those syndicates. Her channel was being inundated by requests to carry the broadcast.  She could imagine the chaotic state of the newsroom as the staff tried to accommodate all of the requests in the limited time available and she understood why Tol was so anxious.  He liked to give his full attention to the production at hand and hated distractions of any kind.
    "Not yet, we are still waiting in reception.  The conference is going to be held in the hospital cafeteria, where a podium is being set up.  I hope the whole thing is not going to look embarrassingly shabby."  The waiting had been shredding her nerves and she suddenly felt completely inadequate. "Tol, are you sure that I am the right person for this?  Shouldn't you send Yeke or Mongke here?  They have far more experience than me. I have only been doing this for a year."
    Tol reverted to his usual smooth, encouraging tone.  "No Qara, this is your big chance.  You deserve it for all of your patience and hard work.  Besides, the press conference is going to be in English and your English is better than any of the others.  Don't worry, I will be with you and the questions to ask are really quite simple.  Who are they?  Where are they from?  Why are they here?  How did they learn to speak English?  Start with those and we'll see what answers we get.  Then you can ask some more incisive questions.  How did they get here?  Why did they choose Mongolia as the place to reveal themselves?  How long do they intend to stay?  I can come up with questions all day, so you won't run out of things to say."
    Her sense of panic began to subside.  Tol had been in her corner ever since she had interviewed for her first position at the channel.  It turned out that he had been the one to pick her application out of the pile on the channel director's desk and realise that she had the attributes and potential the channel needed.
    He firmly believed that, in order to establish a higher profile on the Personet, Mongolia Today had to increase its production of English language broadcasts.  He had persuaded the director to allow her to take a screen test and, when she passed it, had volunteered to be her producer.  They spoke to each other only in English during broadcasts so that she would not have to mentally translate questions while reporting.  This made her reports sound more natural and even the big channels carried them without voice-overs.  Now, by sheer chance, she and her crew were in the right place at the right time and Tol's foresight was about to pay off beyond his wildest dreams.
    A young man in a dark suit walked into the reception area and headed towards her.  "Ma'am", he said in a tone which was somehow polite and authoritative at the same time, "President Ganzorig will see you now, please come with me."
    Qara stared at him, astonished.  No-one had said anything to her about talking to president.  Of course, she expected him to be at the conference, but that was nothing new.  She had attended his conferences before and had even asked him a few questions.  But there had always been scores of people present and she was just a face in the crowd.  Now he wanted to see her personally.
    "Tol," she hissed urgently into her 'mote, "The
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