leisurely disrobed the tired, old mannequin. I made a b-line to my next purchase at the back of the shop.
The triple X store was shaped like a long shoe box that needed a good steam cleaning, like most triple X shops. The videos were hidden at the back behind a black curtain. I liked to come early in the day. That way I avoided all the creepy men that frequent the place.
While I searched through the DVDs, I heard Jamie struggling with the mannequin. I wondered what the problem was and turned.
I froze.
Beyond Jamie, I saw him, the cat thief, standing in the lane, staring into the shop; Jamie saw him, too, then turned to look back at me. She looked worried, frightened even. I grabbed my DVD ready to run out the door and grab the guy.
When I looked back, he had moved from the lane and pressed himself against the store’s glass window; crazed and looking dangerous, he gave the window a lusty, pulpy lick.
That’s when the frightened Jamie knocked over the naked mannequin.
That sopping lick on the window left its ugly print; he took off. We didn’t see where because my DVD just cracked open on its own and the disc fell. Jamie’s fallen mannequin began to a quiver and bounce across the floor! “Oh, that ass, that effing demon,” I heard her utter. . Jamie recovered the mannequin.
I held up the erotic DVD cover—titled: "NOTTI GIRL'S GUIDE TO ONE NIGHT STANDS."
“Was that the guy?” Jamie asked sounding very annoyed.
“Yes,” I assured her. “He took my cat.”
When I left the triple X, I had my DVD in a bag inside my purse and my poster of Sia hung where it was obvious to people on the street. Outside of the dark shop, a bright ray of sunlight fell across my eyes and made me squint. That’s when he stepped out of the shadows.
He bumped me on purpose with his shoulder and dropped his paper bag at my feet. Bundles of money, bricks of cash – tumbled out from the dropped bag. I was so startled by the jumble of money at me toes, I took several steps back. I stared down at the loot and waited for it to disappear, proving it really didn’t exist. Then I heard his deep gravelly voice.
“Pardon me, Jane.”
He pulled back his hood and revealed himself. He was more attractive than ever. Much more than when I saw him stare through the window at the triple X shop; at least six feet tall, maybe a little taller. His movie star pirate-like aura really resonated with me.
Close up I could see he had an interesting space between his front teeth. This made him look a little dishonest. I’m sure he was a bad boy and that made him all the more attractive.
As we stood there, staring at one another, he kept subtly changing; he’d have a five o’clock shadow, then his hair seemed a little longer, or shorter, his chin had a bum dimple and his lips were wide then they changed to narrow, his ears were pierced, then they weren’t and one lip was pierced, all changes that made him more or less attractive to me. At first I wanted to punch him in the stomach, the way Manuel had taught me, because this guy had my cat, but the longer I looked into his liquidy, chocolate colored eyes, it didn’t seem right.
Then I remembered the money! I really wanted to look down again at the money, but his half grin, and the twinkle in his eye, and the tattoos down the front of his neck compelled me to keep my eyes on him.
I was locked in his spell.
It wasn’t until I noticed a glittery twinkle from under one of his sleeves that I again remembered this was the guy who’d stolen Sia from me!
I took him by the arm and pulled up that sleeve. Yup. Sia’s collar! He wore Sia’s collar on his wrist like a bracelet. The rhinestones caught the sunlight and reflected back into my eyes, and that snapped me out of his mind control.
It took all my strength to muster any kind of sincere annoyance for the gorgeous and spell binding stalker. “Why did you take Sia?” I asked, still hanging on to his arm, staring at