The Falling of Love

The Falling of Love Read Online Free PDF

Book: The Falling of Love Read Online Free PDF
Author: Marisa Oldham
behind her and grabs a blanket from his back seat. Is he planning a make out session? Grace thinks nervously, knowing she will not allow this on their first date. After all, Ian is only the second boy she has ever dated and her brother raised her to wait till she fell in love before going further than kissing a boy.
    Ian walks over to the shore, whips the blanket into the air, and it softly lands on the ground. He takes Grace’s hand and helps her to sit and then he takes his place next to her. He sits just close enough to where their knees are almost touching.
    “I found this place last weekend,” he says, looking up at the stars, “but I have not been here at night. It’s pretty freakin’ awesome.” He brings his head down from stargazing and his eyes meet with Grace’s. “Like you.”
    Grace blushes. She thinks back to Michelle’s questions earlier in the evening. Ian makes her feel like she is the only girl in the entire world, even if he was sitting at a table with Christina Perkins a few days ago. He left her to run after me.
    Ian tells Grace all about his music and about his band back in Massachusetts with his best friend, Jaden. Ian beams when he speaks of Jaden.
    “Jaden lives in Los Angeles now. He is a year older than me and moved there last year when he turned eighteen. He has a band and plays clubs down there all the time!” Ian gushes.
    “So your dream is to be a rock star?” she asks, grinning.
    Ian tilts his head to the side and raises one of his eyebrows. “Think I’m cut out for it?”
    “Absolutely! As long as you can actually sing. You totally have the look.”
    They sit in silence and stare up at the stars.
    “Sing to me,” she says, breathy.
    Without hesitation or even a hint of nervousness, Ian sings for her, a song she has never heard before. She immediately gets chills all over her entire body, all the way to her pinky toes. His voice echoes off the canyon and fills the night air with a beautiful melody. At this moment, Grace knows she really, really likes this boy. He looks at her as he sings the last verse of the song. He just stares at her, wordlessly. She smiles at him with her eyes. Radiating happiness.
    “Ian, I…I’m speechless,” she says, shaking her head. “Your voice is like an angel’s.”
    He flips his long auburn hair over his shoulder then wraps his arms around his knees and rests his chin on them.
    “I’ve never heard that song before,” she says, as she looks at him adoringly.
    “Well I hope not! I wrote it,” he says, with a chuckle.
    In this moment, he becomes even more amazing to her. Not only does he have one of the most beautiful male voices she has ever heard, but also the lyrics to the song were heartfelt and soulful. Ian Taylor is not a boy who should be judged by his cover. He is so much deeper than the long hair, leather jacket, jewelry, and ripped pants he wears. There’s so much more to this boy that the other kids at school have no idea of, nor would they even care about.
    “Gracie,” he says, interrupting her thoughts.
    “Yeah, Ian?” she asks, in a husky voice.
    “It’s ten o’clock. I better get you home.”
    Disappointment runs through her body as she looks down at her watch. “Oh my gosh , time flies.”
    Ian gets up from his place on the blanket and holds his hand out to her. He pulls her a bit too hard, and the two of them collide. He stares at her for a long moment, his arms around her waist. He breaks away from their embrace and picks up the blanket. Grace is left wondering why he did not kiss her.

    Ian has Grace in front of the Hathaway home at exactly ten twenty-five. He walks around to the passenger side of his feeble old car and for the last time that night, he helps her out. He walks her up to the porch with his arm resting softly around her waist. Her heart races with the anticipation of him kissing her as they move closer and closer to her front door.
    “I had an amazing time.” Grace smiles.
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