The FACEBOOK KILLER: Part 2 Read Online Free PDF

Book: The FACEBOOK KILLER: Part 2 Read Online Free PDF
Author: M. L. Stewart
the first time at a fuel station South of Leeds and then again just over the Scottish border.”
    “ Good work, Dick. Keep a track of him. Let me know where he settles down. Matthew, any reply from Madison yet?”
    “ Not yet Bill, but my editor has agreed to go to press at midnight if he doesn’t reply beforehand. He has agreed to publish the medical photographs as well.”
    “ Excellent,” replied Pearson, “Dick! Any word on the mask?”
    “ My boys are checking around, like you asked, but nothing so far. I wouldn’t hold out too much hope on getting a result with this one Boss.”
    “ What about the insurance payout?”
    “ Two million, eight hundred thousand,” replied Dick.
    Gerradine whistled, “Jesus, a man could disappear for ever with that amount of money.”
    “ It was withdrawn in cash from the branch of Barclays on Oxford Street,” Dick continued, handing Pearson the details, “that was the day he seemingly disappeared off the face of the planet.”
    “ He hasn’t disappeared, Dick, don’t you worry about that. We just need to start turning over a few stones, that’s all. I’ll try and get hold of that CCTV footage, if they still have it,” Pearson replied.
    “ Have you taken into consideration Hamid’s family back in Pakistan?” Gerradine asked.
    “ I was just coming to that, but first. I have a shortlist of suspicious deaths in the last year that may be attributable to our man,” Pearson handed both men a sheet of paper each, “as you can see they range from suicide, to arson to accidental death and everything imaginable in between. Now, I have obtained exhumation orders on Gillian Baxter and Robert Chapel, they both had definite links to Hamid. We need to take a step back here; start from the beginning.”
    Gerradine counted under his breath, “Shit. You think as many as twenty?” He asked.
    “ Not for certain, but I’d be prepared to wager at least ten of those are the work of our Facebook Killer,” replied Pearson.
    “ So what the hell do you think has happened to the other suspect, this Devoy character,” asked Dick.
    “ I can’t say for certain,” replied Pearson, “but again, he had solid ties to Hamid, yet he hasn’t shown up dead yet. Maybe he’s being held? But that doesn’t fit the MO of the killer. He wants these bodies to be found. To tell you the truth gentlemen, I really don’t know where our friend Devoy is, but I bet Mr. Madison does.”
    “ You mentioned his family in Pakistan,” reminded Dick.
    “ Oh yes, sorry, I spoke with an old contact of mine in the British Embassy in Islamabad. He tells me there are thousands of Hamids in the country. There is no way we can narrow them down without help from the family. That’s why, Dick! I have made an appointment for you to meet with Hamid Senior tomorrow at noon. He thinks you are from Special Branch, I need you to find out the names and addresses of his closest relatives back home, he knows that we are looking at his son as being a potential victim. He’ll cooperate fully; don’t worry. I assume in your line of work you’ll have some suitable form of identification?”
    Dick returned the smile and no words were needed.
    “ More whisky anyone?” Offered Gerradine. He was the only one who had drained his glass; the other two remained almost full.
    “ You’ve got mail!” All eyes turned to Gerradine’s laptop.
    “ Well open it will you?” Pearson asked impatiently.
    Gerradine pulled his chair closer, Hall and Pearson had moved behind him, looking over his shoulder. A tense silence filled the room.
    “ It’s him,” Gerradine yelped, visibly excited for once, “he’s bloody well replied and it’s not anonymous this time.”
    “ We’ve got the bastard now,” said Pearson, triumphantly.
    “ Don’t be so certain,” warned Dick, “what does it say?”
    “ Nothing,” Gerradine replied, a little bemuse, “absolutely nothing. There isn’t even a subject line. It’s just a blank
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