The Face of Fear: A Powers and Johnson Novel

The Face of Fear: A Powers and Johnson Novel Read Online Free PDF

Book: The Face of Fear: A Powers and Johnson Novel Read Online Free PDF
Author: R.J. Torbert
off,” Paul replied. Detective Lieutenant Cronin stood up and said, “Who are they?”
    “That, I don’t know yet,” Paul replied, “but I rode the ferry five times since the kidnapping, and there is only one way it could have been done.”
    Cronin looked at Bud. “And you? I guess you know about this?”
    “Nah,” Bud replied. “I’m only his partner. This is the first time I’m hearing anything about this.”
    “OK, sure,” Cronin replied. “Stay away from this,” he said, looking at Paul.
    Paul left the office without assenting to the directive, and Cronin recognized it. He respected Paul’s instincts and thought he would give him a little time and see how this would play out for a few days.
    “Bud, go take Paul to breakfast and see what’s going on.”
    Bud answered back, “No problem. It’s my favorite meal of the day.”
    “Always a comedian,” was Cronin’s answer. “Don’t forget about the bad guys!”
    Bud and Paul drove to the local Coram Diner because there wasn’t enough time to go to Bud’s favorite place for breakfast, Maureen’s Kitchen. Paul ordered a cup of coffee and a bagel while Bud got a four-egg-white omelet with a side of sausage and bacon.
    Paul looked at what he had and said, “Why don’t you get a side order of a rack of lamb with that?”
    Without missing a beat, Bud answered, “No, no, no, I’m on a diet. You know, you can come to me if you want to know where the best food is.”
    Paul sat there shaking his head as Bud went on about food. “Maureen’s Kitchen for breakfast, except for the whole-wheat pancakes, which are the best at the Station Coffee House in Port Jefferson Station. One of the servers there—Brittany is her name, but I call her Sunshine—is the nicest young lady who can make anyone smile.
    Paul tried to interrupt. “Are you finished?”
    “No,” Bud replied. “I can’t forget about the Greek Salad at Z Pita.” Paul began to laugh, as Bud was on a roll. “Café Spiga in Mount Sinai has the best Italian food and they have this female singer on the weekends with such a beautiful voice.”
    “Her name is Cathy” Paul replied, “And she is the daughter of the owner Leonora, who is a great lady, always walking around checking to see how everyone is doing. The Giordano family has done a great job with the place”
    Bud seemed surprised that Paul knew of the place.
    “You really are an expert when it comes to female singers, you are a strange dude Paul Powers.”
    Paul was amused and said. “Yes, and you are definitely the food expert, but this explains why you have so much gas in your system.” There was no comment from Bud as he just smiled and took a sip of his coffee.
    There was silence for a few seconds until Bud spoke again. “Seriously, Paul, what the shit is going on? I know you’re up to something. We have a job to do, and you’re distracted with something else. Let me tell you, we need to discuss it, and don’t tell me not to worry about it, because I am. You never know when you need your partner to have your back, and if you’re falling in love with this chick, just move in on her and get it over with.”
    He was going on when Paul interrupted him and said, “Bud, listen it’s not the girl, it’s the Lance kidnapping. I’m sure I know how they pulled it off, and I’m going to show a few friends Saturday. I want Rachelle to write about it in her paper. We need to put the heat on them.”
    “Whoa, partner,” Bud exclaimed. “This is FBI shit. Don’t get involved with this fucking mess, man!”
    “Bud,” Paul replied, “I just can’t. I just don’t think it will get resolved unless I get involved. The FBI is not sharing anything with us, and quite frankly I think she’s still here on Long Island and would not be shocked if she’s in the Port Jefferson area.”
    “Come on,” Bud replied. “OK, listen, I’m in. I want to see your theory and keep an eye on you. This FBI agent Jack O’Connor can be a prick,
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