taking Laura’s hand.
Blinking hard, Laura pulled away. ‘How long was I asleep?’
Her father had implied that she could trust these people. That they would
help her. But she still didn’t know them.
‘Three days. You had some pretty nasty injuries. Some stitches were required
but you are on the mend now. They are the dissolvable stiches. We thought they
would be more comfortable for you so you don’t have to worry about removing
them,’ Estella babbled nervously, ‘and don’t worry, you should heal quickly
with the help of my remedies.’
Laura attempted to lift herself into a sitting position, but fell back with a
cry. However, it wasn’t the physical pain that caused this. The pain stemmed
from the memory of her father. His body. The blood. His lifeless hand. And
then, a new memory came to her. One of her mother being dragged to the car.
‘We need to find my Mother!’ Laura said desperately, bolting upright.
‘We are working on that, there are people talking with the force as we speak,’
Drew said, hoping to ease her mind.
It didn’t help. She wanted her mother to be there, with her. She needed her
at this terrible time. She wanted to cry on her shoulder, hug her and have her
mum tell her that everything was going to be all right.
But she wasn’t here, and Laura had to find her. She had made a promise, and
it was one she intended to keep.
She started to push off the thick blanket. ‘I should be out there too.’
Estella rested her hands on Laura’s shoulders and lightly pushed her back
down, stopping her from moving the covers off her any further, ‘and you will be
out there, as soon as you are better.’
‘I have to help!’ Laura shouted ripping the blanket from the bed and tossing
it to the ground.
She swung her legs over the side of the mattress trying to ignore the aches
of her body, but her injuries were still tender and a fiery blaze to shot up
her arm. She cried out as the pain engulfed her. Then, it all became too much
for her. She felt sick, tired and scared. She was in tremendous pain, physically
and mentally, and she had never in her life felt more lost or alone than she
did right at that moment. She began to cry, hysterically.
Estella looked at Drew and he nodded, quietly leaving the room as Stella took
Laura into her arms.
‘I want this to be a dream,’ she sobbed, her voice cracking on each word.
‘I know, I know.’ Stella brushed her fingers through Laura’s hair, soothing
her as she cried.
Laura was absolutely wrecked. How could she possibly go on knowing she would
never see her father again? Never hear his laugh, never see him smile, never play
games of cards with him. They were little things, but they were things that she
cherished so deeply now that he wasn’t around to continue doing them. She cried
for that. For what she had lost. For the piece of her heart that had left her,
and for the life she would never get back. She wanted her mother to be there to
give her some kind of comfort. So they could cry together and hug each other
and move through the hardship with one another to lean on.
She didn’t want to do it alone.
That was when she made the decision. The decision that these people were the
ones she would have to let in. They were the ones that she would have to lean
on. She decided to give them a chance, like her father asked. But not only
that, she decided she would do everything in her power to find her mother, and
she would do it in her father’s honour. She would no longer hurt for him, but
she would live for him. She would fight for the life he gave her, and she would
make the most of it. She would be strong, like he had asked. She would be brave
and hold herself together. With this in mind, she began to calm down.
She now had one goal: to find her mum. That was what she would focus on above
everything else.
That was it.
‘We expect
you to welcome Laura into this home with open arms. She has been through
London Casey, Karolyn James