The Driver

The Driver Read Online Free PDF

Book: The Driver Read Online Free PDF
Author: Mandasue Heller
get so knackered when you’ve had a baby you end up making up excuses when your mates want to go out, so in the end they stop asking and go without you.’
    ‘Can’t be easy,’ Joe said sympathetically. ‘But you must be doing okay – your lad seems happy enough.’
    ‘Yeah, he’s a good boy.’ Cheryl smiled fondly. ‘What about you? Have you got kids?’
    ‘ Me? ’ Joe drew his head back in horror. ‘Christ, no.’
    ‘Not met the right girl yet?’ Cheryl ventured, wondering how he felt about girls who already had kids.
    ‘Just don’t want kids,’ said Joe emphatically. ‘Hard enough looking after myself, never mind a little ’un. Way too much responsibility for a selfish slob like me.’
    Well, that’s me told , Cheryl thought disappointedly. Then, forcing herself to smile, she said, ‘You all say that but I bet you’ll end up doing it one day. Anyway, never mind that. Let’s talk about the party.’
    ‘Party?’ Joe wondered if he’d missed something.
    ‘The one I’ve just decided to have,’ Cheryl informed him excitedly. ‘I can’t believe I’ve never thought of it before, but it’s a great idea. And it’ll give you a chance to meet everyone – stop them giving you evils.’
    ‘That would be pretty good,’ Joe agreed. ‘When are you thinking of?’
    ‘Why? Need to check your diary to see if you’re free?’
    ‘Yeah, ’cos I’ve got such a busy life, me.’
    They were both laughing when a hand snaked through the window and unlatched it all the way, letting a blast of cold air in. Glancing up in surprise, Cheryl felt a guilty blush spread across her face when Shay popped his head around the net curtain.
    ‘ Shay! ’ she squawked. ‘What the bloody hell are you playing at? You nearly gave me a heart attack, you stupid idiot!’
    ‘Aw, shut up moaning,’ he grunted, cocking his leg over the sill. ‘Least I’m here, aren’t I?’ Dropping down into the kitchen now, he started dusting his jeans down but stopped abruptly when he spotted Joe. ‘What’s this?’ he demanded, staring at Cheryl accusingly.
    ‘I’m having coffee with a friend,’ she told him, reminding herself that she’d done nothing wrong.
    ‘A friend ?’ Shay looked Joe up and down with open suspicion. ‘That what you’re calling it these days, is it?’
    Annoyed with him for having the cheek to have a go at her when he was the one who’d gone off with someone else, Cheryl said, ‘Don’t come round here trying to dictate who I can and can’t have in my own house. It’s got nothing to do with you any more. You moved out – remember ?’
    ‘Is that right?’ Shay held her gaze, his expression giving little away.
    Standing her ground, she folded her arms. ‘Yeah, it is. And if you don’t like it you know what you can do, don’t you?’
    ‘Yo, don’t be mouthing off just ’cos you’ve got an audience,’ Shay warned her.
    ‘I don’t need an audience,’ Cheryl retorted defiantly. ‘I’m just not having you telling me what I can and can’t do.’
    ‘ Hey fool !’ Mr T’s distinctive voice suddenly boomed out. ‘ Pick up the goddamn message, fool – and don’t make me have to tell you again! ’
    ‘Sorry.’ Joe grimaced, pulling his phone out of his pocket. ‘It’s my text tone. Keep meaning to change it, but you know how it is.’ Glancing quickly at the screen, he said, ‘Oh, shit, gotta go.’ Standing up now, he smiled at Cheryl. ‘Got some mates coming round, didn’t realise it was so late. Thanks for the coffee.’
    Ashamed that he’d witnessed the argument and was obviously using his text as an excuse to escape the horrible atmosphere, Cheryl couldn’t bring herself to look at him. ‘You’re welcome,’ she said. ‘And thanks again for fixing the machine.’
    ‘Machine?’ Shay repeated. ‘What machine?’
    ‘The washing machine,’ she informed him tartly. ‘It got blocked and Joe fixed it, so I made him a coffee to thank him.’ She finished with a tight smile,
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