The Dragons Blood Key: Legend of the Dragon's Blood Key - Book 1
words burned
into her mind.
    She looked at the creature again when
suddenly her mind filled with thoughts that were not her own.
    Yes, this is real. You are in the Kingdom
of Walandra. I am your friend, Frier, please try to remember,” the voice said in a friendly tone.
    “Stop it, and get out of my head,” Cassy
cried out as she cupped her hands over her ears.
    Frier looked at Cassy and realized she did
not believe. Sadness filled his heart at knowing that without her help, the curse would continue to
enslave the Kingdom.
    “I am sorry, I was mistaken. I thought you
were Abigail, returning to free us from the curse of the Evil
Queen.” Frier’s shoulders slumped,
as his eyes lost their luster and filled with tears.
    “Why would you think I’m this person you
call Abigail?” Cassy looked at Frier with anger burning on her
    Frier looked deeply into her eyes, searching
for a hint of Abigail hidden behind the anger. “You’re right; you
are not the Abigail of the stories. It’s just that you wear the
sacred Dragon’s Breast Plate with the Blood Key.”
    Cassy was about to protest when Aaron
stepped around in front of her. “He’s
right, look.” Aaron pointed a shaky finger at the strange looking
plate with what appeared to be the red stone from the book placed
in its center.
    “Look, the plate looks just like one of the
scales covering Frier’s body, only much larger,” Aaron cried
    Cassy looked down at her chest. “How did
that get there? This isn’t possible. I never put this on.”
    “One does not put on the sacred Breast Plate
with the Blood Key. It chooses those that are worthy to wear it.
You may not be Abigail, but you have been selected to fight the Evil Queen and release the subjects
of Walandra from her curse.” Frier stepped forward and bowed his
head in reverence.
    Cassy’s mind was swirling when it suddenly
came to her. “This Abigail you speak of must be our
great-grandmother. We came to visit her and the book was in her
library. Are you telling us that she is the Abigail who fought the
Evil Queen the last time?”
    Frier stood in silence for several moments,
trying to understand her words. “That is why the Blood Key called
out to you. You share the same bloodline as Abigail. How
wonderful,” he leaped with joy as
his wings opened to their full length.
    “Cool, he has wings,” Aaron grinned as he
pointed toward the outstretched wings. “Can you fly?”
    “Yes, but not for long distances; I am still
too young,” Frier pulled his wings back in and tucked them behind
his back.
    “Too cool; may I touch you?” Aaron reached
out his hand then stopped when Cassy pulled him back.
    “Don’t do that. We still don’t know if we
can trust him,” Cassy growled while glaring at Frier.
    At hearing her words, Frier stepped back,
putting more distance between them.
    “Look, you hurt his feelings,” Aaron groaned
as he pulled away from her. “I’m sorry that my sister is such a
    Frier looked at the surprised look on
Cassy’s face at her brother’s words and laughed. “Yes, I can see
that she can be a bit moody. You may touch me if you wish.”
    Aaron slowly walked toward Frier then gently
touched his scaly shoulder. “Cool, I always wondered what a dragon
felt like. I always thought the scales would be hard and sharp to
the touch, but they feel smooth like the velvet on Mom’s pillows on
the couch. Check this out,” Aaron said as he walked around behind
    Cassy kept her distance, still unsure if she
should trust the strange creature. Her mind kept telling her to
stay away, but a small voice from deep inside of her heart told her
that he could be trusted. She reached out to touch him when there
was a rustling in the leaves from behind them.
    “Who’s there?” Cassy demanded as she spun
    “It is I, Roupert . Who are you?” he said in a firm voice as he
stepped out of the thick trees.
    Once his eyes met Cassy’s, he dropped to one knee. “Abigail,
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