the entire idea. It didn’t matter though; he drank it in either way, her shame at that realization making the whole process that much sweeter.
He let her bottom close, placing a palm firmly against the full lower curve of a soft buttock. “Ready, Amity?”
* * *
The feel of his hand on her bottom made her entire body vibrate—but with what exactly, she wasn’t sure. He held his big palm there, cupping her ass firmly. She knew he was waiting for her to say it, to give in, to absolve him of any guilt she fervently hoped he might be feeling for doing this to her.
Does he really need to feel guilt, Amity?
She hated that he was right— hated it—but it didn’t make it any less true. She did deserve this. And if it saved her job, she’d just have to suck it up and take it.
Of course, there was more to this—namely what he’d inhaled, what had her inner thighs slick—but she wasn’t ready to tackle the implications of what that meant. At least not quite yet.
“Ready,” she said, the soft, almost meek tone of her voice making her face flame anew.
“Good girl.”
Before she had a chance to feel that confusing little flare of arousal and happiness those two words elicited within her, his hand came crashing down on her bottom. Her body froze a moment, as if current was passing through her muscles, then the explosion of fire and the clap of the spank registered and she grunted.
Oh, fuck, that hurt!
He held his hand to her other cheek, waiting for God-knew-what. She trembled, waiting for it, the ass cheek he’d just hit throbbing angrily. She could almost visualize the growing palm print blooming across her skin.
Dr. McKendrick hit hard!
He smacked her again, lower down where her thigh and buttock met and she yelped, the pain there even worse, the force of the blow sending a disconcerting vibration through her core, reminding her again of the traitorous reaction of her body.
The blows came faster then, sometimes coming in rapid-fire volleys all over her bottom, and other times methodical, hard spanks to the same spot over and over that had her crying out with the hot pain of it.
The spanks stopped, that huge, hard hand moving in slow circles over the boiling cauldron of her buttocks while she tried to catch her breath, the burn building by the second.
“When you come to work, what do I expect you to be, Amity?”
For a moment, she wasn’t even sure he was speaking to her, the sound of her name pulling her out of her red haze of hurt and shame.
“I… on time. Sir.”
“That’s right.”
He began again, going slower this time, tapping her bottom each time as if taking aim, then slapping hard, his hand cupping her martyred flesh for a moment before pulling back to deliver another stinging blow. She yelped and moaned with each slap, trying to ignore the way her bottom jiggled at each harsh spank, knowing the kind of show she must be putting on for Dr. McKendrick. She’d always been self-conscious of her bottom, always considering it too big, dreading anytime she’d had to go to a beach or don a swimsuit.
Now, her bottom was laid bare for Dr. McKendrick’s enjoyment—and discipline. She could feel his erection against her hip as he jostled her effortlessly, tucking her closer while he continued to rain blows down across her ass, barking at her to stay still.
The merciless spanking continued as he growled at her. “What happens to girls who forget to schedule appointments, who come to work late, who don’t even try to do their best?”
Her vision began to blur as tears stung her eyes.
No, you’re not doing this, Amity. You’re not crying.
His hand pulled up one of her cheeks, exposing the tender flesh at junction of thigh and bottom, a hard smack landing and making her cry out. Then he did it again, harder, and she reached back then, the pain too much.
“Please, no more! It hurts!”
“Put that hand back on the floor, girl, or you’re going to get more,” he said, his voice