The Disneyland Book of Secrets 2014: One Local's Unauthorized, Rapturous and Indispensable Guide to the Happiest Places on Earth

The Disneyland Book of Secrets 2014: One Local's Unauthorized, Rapturous and Indispensable Guide to the Happiest Places on Earth Read Online Free PDF

Book: The Disneyland Book of Secrets 2014: One Local's Unauthorized, Rapturous and Indispensable Guide to the Happiest Places on Earth Read Online Free PDF
Author: Leslie Le Mon
little taste on one hand, and as a lawless, crime-riddled wild west on the other.  Recent reality shows and prime time dramas have done nothing to rehabilitate the negative image and have, for the most part, increased it.
    There’s a concept that the OC is a balmy resort for a suntanned, wealthy upper class with dazzling perma-grins who live in villas overlooking the sea, oppressing the OC ’s middle-class, poor, and immigrant residents, often through police action.
    Critics of the OC decry both the criminal element that has given its communities nicknames like “Anacrime” and “Stabba Ana,” and the civic leaders that approve the use of dogs, pepper balls, tear gas, and rubber bullets to disperse protesting citizens.
    In reality, Anaheim is an increasingly diverse, very complicated community.  A large middle-class Latino population has fought long and hard and won civil rights battles over many decades to pave the way for better integrated schools, businesses, and neighborhoods.  In 1946-1947, for example, Mendez v. Westminster was a landmark segregation case in which it was declared unconstitutional to send Mexican-American children to separate schools.
    Anaheim and the OC truly have come a long way.
    However, very real tensions still simmer just under the surface, periodically boiling over, as in the summer of 2012.  Two police-officer-related shootings in July 2012 led to protests outside Anaheim ’s City Hall.  When a handful of troublemakers in a crowd of mostly peaceful protestors threw bottles at police, dogs were turned on the crowd.  Rubber bullets were fired.  Men and women were hit.  Women and children scattered.
    Video clips of the incident went viral.  Anaheim residents continued to protest over the next few days, some peacefully, some venting their anger by breaking the windows of a local Starbucks , and lighting trash cans on fire.  The peaceful protesters and their message got lost in the melees.
    And then the chaos fizzled as suddenly as it had begun.  The story faded from the media.  Out of the spotlight, police leadership and citizen groups worked to build bridges and avoid future incidents.
    The summer of 2012 was an outstanding example of how, as important as Disneyland is to the local economy, Disneyland is not the same entity as Anaheim or the OC .
    Yes, visitors to Anaheim see Disney images everywhere ; even the buses that roll down Anaheim ’s streets are cloaked in giant advertising wraps sporting images of Pixar characters and Mickey and the Disney princesses .  But Disneyland Resort , although a powerhouse driver of the tourist economy in Anaheim and the northern OC , remains a world apart from its surroundings.
    In the summer of 2012, w hile dumpster fires were burning in the streets outside the park, and residents were tweeting messages like “It’s a war zone!” to friends and family, inside the resort order prevailed and the fireworks and water extravaganzas were performed on schedule.
    While Anaheim was embroiled in chaos, Disneyland was unveiling its newest lands and attractions and having a peaceful, banner season.  Disneyland Resort ’s crowd control, security, and social engineering methods are legendary. Disneyland hosts tens of thousands of incredibly diverse strangers, every day, with a scarcity of violent incidents.
    And, make no mistake, Disneyland is incredibly diverse.  Guests and Cast Members represent every gender, age, race, ethnicity, orientation, religion, class, and ability that one can imagine.  Disney ’s official corporate mission is to create happiness for everyone everywhere, and Disneyland seeks to include everyone in its mission to create joy.
    It’s a philosophical viewpoint—and it’s just plain good business.  While i t may sound corny, for a variety of reasons Disneyland embraces and celebrates everyone.  Sometimes there are friction points re: the specific methods used, however, and those instances play out in the media (and
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