“I’ve a curiosity, Commissioner”.
“Tell me, Piazza”.
“If this man did not use the phone nor the e-mailbox, how the hell did he keep in touch with the students? Not to mention how he managed to find them ...”.
“We should find out, we have to be prepared to surprises, guys!”.
“I would have a couple of questions, actually, Vincent”.
“Tell me, Angelo”.
“The first concerns Brandenburg’s livelihood, you knew him, maybe you already know what income he had ...”.
“Let's just say that even if we stopped a few times to talk, I do not really know all the details of his life; to this point, a couple of calls to the bank and to the Income Revenue, I think should be worth ... what is the second question, Angelo?”.
“It was about you, Vincent ... not that I want to pry your own business but I was curious to know what you are going to do, if we will take care of all these matters ...”.
“Um ... I bet that before, when you contacted Alitalia, you also asked if there was an empty seat on one of their planes to Monaco tomorrow, didn’t you?”.
Inspector Parisi made a half smile, waiting for Vincent Germano to go on with his speech.
“ ... You’ll call the airline again and confirm my presence on the first flight; you’ll also book the return ticket but without specifying the date of return since I don’t know how long it will take”.
“Okay, Vincent, I can already tell you that the first flight takes off at 8:00 am tomorrow morning, and then, calculating the time you’ll need for the check in and the other procedures ... I should pick you up around 5.00, that means within less than four hours”.
“You were the best in mathematics, weren’t you, Angelo?”.
The collective irony was momentarily interrupted by the other inspector.
“For this reason, Commissioner ...”.
“Tell me, Piazza”.
“I have a contact ... an official of German Police of Monaco, that we can consider our representative; it's called Theodor Kaiser and also told me that, if you want, you can call even now to make arrangements”.
“It is midnight ...”.
“Yes, but he is doing the night shift and told me that a phone call will not disturb him”.
“The Germans are always the Germans ... about you, Piazza, had you already guessed where I was going to go?”.
“We’ve come to know you ...”.
“Well then, now let me go home, I’m about to collapse ... and I was kindly reminded by the present Parisi here, that within less than five hours I'll be back on my feet. I'll call Theodor Kaiser directly from my house”.
The three greeted with pats on their shoulders and commending one another to keep up to date during the whole stay of the commissioner in Germany.
Saturday, July 6 th
The plane with Vincent Germano on board, landed at the international airport of Monaco of Bavaria at nine twenty-fifth of that same summer morning.
According to the agreements reached on the previous evening, as soon as he had come out the big glass door beyond which the various passengers are awaited, the commissioner would have to look for three men wearing a black and green uniform.
Germano spotted them with some difficulty but he finally recognized them; while approaching them, he also noted a fourth man, much shorter than the other three and dressed in civilian clothes. It was this forth man who led the group to the Italian commissioner; once they got face to face, they introduced themselves with a firm handshake; the man in civilian clothes turned out to be Theodor Kaiser.
“Good morning, Germano, was the trip to your liking?”.
“Just call me Vincent ... anyway ... yes, everything went smoothly; sorry Kaiser, may I ask a question?”.
“It’s my turn to scold you now, Vincent ... call me Theodor”.
“Theodor, okay ... I noticed that your agents are all around six feet tall, all in perfect shape and with the same haircut ... are they already this way when they come to you to join up or it