The Diaries - 01

The Diaries - 01 Read Online Free PDF

Book: The Diaries - 01 Read Online Free PDF
Author: Chuck Driskell
on top.   “ Soins pour une cigarette?”
    “No thanks,” Gage
said, understanding enough of the French and frowning at the temptation.
    “How long has it
been?” Jean asked.
    “Not long
enough.”   Gage had kicked cigarettes and
alcohol nearly three years before, shortly after the incident at Crete.   The debilitating, migraine-like headaches had
thankfully abated somewhat after the excising of his bad habits.   They still occurred, but not nearly as often.
    Jean pulled the
cigarettes back, spinning them on the table.   “So, I hear our friends at the meeting down in Vienna passed on giving you
the insertion job.”
    This surprised
Gage but, knowing Jean might be shaking the bushes, he remained impassive.
    “You didn’t think
I would know that?”
    Gage shrugged.
    Jean waved his
hand as if he were shooing a fly.   “I
know you cannot respond.   Typical Slavs.   I don’t think they ever intended to even do what
they discussed with you.   They’re just updating
their files, keeping a list of who to call when they really do need someone.   They’re nearly as blunt as a German trying to
give advice.   People like you come and go
so damned much that even the world’s best intelligence agencies can’t keep
up.   They paid you to come, I hope.”
    Still, Gage just
stared at Jean.
    A smirk grew on
Jean’s face.   “You know Renaldo Tristan?   From Paris?   Weapons man, tall with the cauliflowered ear…the
one who got kicked out of GIGN for—”  
    “I know who he is,”
Gage said, cutting him off, having heard about the former French special ops
man’s exploits ad nauseam.  
    Jean dragged on
his cigarette extravagantly, clearly enjoying the moment.   He spoke as the smoke spilled from his mouth.   “Renaldo asked for five-k, euro, for the day
trip.   They paid him, no questions.”
    Gage pulled in a
long breath through his nose, angered at himself for not asking the same.   He wasn’t the type to fret over something
that was past, willing himself to allow it to burn into his brain so as not to
make the same mistake again.   Using all
his discipline, he forced his face to show no reaction other than irritation at
this delay.   “So what did you want to
talk to me about?   Maybe I should have
charged you for this meet?”
    Jean laughed, motioning
to Gage’s empty glass of water.   “I will
pay for your water, yes?”   The waitress
placed Jean’s coffee before him, nodding when he informed her there would be
nothing else.   They both watched her walk
    “You are aware of
the many U.S. military that are leaving Germany?   They call it ‘drawdown’.”
    Gage nodded.   “Not a part of our mission anymore.”
    “I guess you will
take your imperialism to the Middle East now, oui ?”
    A fake smile with
his mouth only was Gage’s reply.
    “Anyway, there is
one area we are particularly interested in, around the Westend quarter here in Frankfurt.   The government
is moving many of their organizations into these newly vacant buildings, since
they are already well suited for bureaucratic service.”   Jean paused, waiting for a response.
    “Okay,” Gage said,
wanting him to get on with it.   If he had
any beef with the French, it was their slow pace.  
    “While France and
Germany are fellow members of the EU, allies, and mostly friendly trading partners, there are certain aspects of
business between the countries where a certain level of competitiveness is
involved.   One area from which there is
much to learn, where a gain could be most beneficial to my government, is from
the Deutsch Customs office, the Hauptzollamt .”
    Gage took a sip of
water, eyeing Jean.   “Customs.”   Oh
boy…you’re really in the big-time now, Gage.
    “Yes, just Customs.   Not really sexy, but important nonetheless.   They certainly wouldn’t want their communications
compromised, but it’s not so sensitive that they will sweep the building.   It will simply be another office
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