The Devil's Wife

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Book: The Devil's Wife Read Online Free PDF
Author: Holly Hunt
Tags: Fiction, Fantasy, Contemporary
city was called 'New Yale' or something. Huge city, lots of sins."
          I froze. New York?
          "Could be." He glared at me again. "Why do you care?"
          Because the woman I'm living with is identical to Sera, so much so that I mistook her for our sister in the beginning! I hissed and ran for the door. If Lucifer is near her, I'm going to—
          "To do what?" Azazel called after me, pulling me up short. "He's the King of Hell, Aspen, and you're just a cat, albeit a bad-tempered ginger one. Lucifer can do whatever the hell he pleases, and you can't do a damn thing to stop him."
          I turned on my twin and growled. I can. Just you wait and see.
          Azazel shook his head, picking me up by the scruff of the neck and abandoning his half-empty beer glass. "Leave Luce alone, Aspen. He's dangerous, and he deserves to love again after what God did to us."
          I hissed at him, and he grabbed my chin. I scratched him, but he didn't let go.
          "Aspen, listen to me. It is thanks to Luce's negotiating powers that you're allowed out on Earth at all. Luce can easily rescind that decree, because God would be all too happy to destroy you. Play nice with him, no matter what it is he wants, or you'll blink out of existence!"
          I growled at him, and he dropped me.
          "Fine! Get yourself killed! See if I give a damn when you're stuck in Limbo until the end of time." Azazel slumped back to the bar, and ignored me in favor of a bottle of Jim Beam.
          I growled after him, then shot out of the door and down the main road of Limbo, towards the gate back to Earth.
          Lucifer would not be allowed within ten miles of Clarissa. I have shielded Clarissa from most of the dangers of the world as best I could. Lucifer must not be allowed near her, even if it means that I have to convince her to move to Australia. God and His Hellraisers were moving on His plan to destroy Lucifer once and for all, and Clarissa must not be caught in the crossfire. Not now, not ever. I can't stand to see a woman I care about killed again on Lucifer's behalf.


    Lucifer Morningstar

          Clarissa slept through the night and on until the next evening. I heard her starting to stir as I put a pan on to heat, adding some olive oil to the bottom of it and swirling it around lightly. I relaxed as I cut up an onion, and I was whistling by the time I finished crushing the garlic, adding them both to the pan and stirring them around.
          "So you do cook."
          I dropped the pan, half of the contents ending up in the gas flame of the stove. I cursed and saved the half still in the pan, turning the fire off and cleaning up the mess. I turned the stove back on, starting again.
          "You don't seem frazzled by the fact that I'm King of Hell, and that you're in my house," I replied as I added the second lot of garlic and onion to the pan.
          "Hell on Earth, that's what you called it. Why wouldn't the Devil and his domain be real?"
          "I said not to call me that!" I snapped.
          Clarissa shrank around the doorframe. I stormed to the freezer, searching through the piles of meat for the ground beef. I relaxed and thought as I pulled at a package of it frozen to the back of the freezer.
          "What?" she asked timidly.
          "Nothing. Just thinking of when I met Mary Magdalene, that's all, way back when." I smiled, pulling out the lump of meat from the freezer. Clarissa was sitting on a chair, having dragged it into the kitchen to sit next to the doorframe.
    "You met her?"
          "Of course. Did you know that Jesus was actually the son of my friend Beelzebub? As though God would think of impregnating a human to lead them all on a good moral path," I scoffed. "That bitch wouldn't know moral if it crept from the primordial ooze and bit Her on the ass."
          I held the meat between my hands,
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