The Devil’s Share

The Devil’s Share Read Online Free PDF

Book: The Devil’s Share Read Online Free PDF
Author: Wallace Stroby
tie. Hicks gave her a smile, pointed to their almost-empty glasses. “I think we’ll do another, honey. Thank you.” She smiled back, took them to the bar.
    â€œHow about you?” Crissa said. “Where are you from originally?”
    â€œVirginia. Town called Bluefield. Got out of there soon as I could, though. Two semesters of community college, then I joined the Corps. Still not sure why. Just my luck, a year later, we were in the middle of two wars. All that shit happened fast.”
    â€œWhat was your rank?”
    â€œWhen I left? Staff sergeant. Over there, though, what you got was battlefield commissions. Those first couple years were crazy. We were in Fallujah, and later on, Anbar Province. Saw some wild shit. Lost some good men.”
    â€œBut you went back.”
    â€œWeren’t a whole lot of opportunities around when I left the Corps. Economy was still fucked, and there wasn’t much I knew how to do. Couldn’t see getting a job in some factory, knocking up a local girl, living happily ever after and all that.”
    â€œWas there one?”
    â€œA what?”
    â€œA local girl.” Wanting to take back the question now, too late. Not sure why she’d asked it.
    He sat back, cocked his head, squinted at her slightly. “If there was, I probably wouldn’t have joined the Corps. Is this where we get into the personal stuff? If so, it’s going to be your turn next.”
    She shook her head. “Sorry. None of my business. Just curious.”
    He shrugged. “That’s fine. I don’t mind.”
    The waitress brought their drinks. As she walked away, she let her fingers trail lightly over his shoulder.
    When she was out of earshot, Crissa said, “You should come here more often. You could probably drink for free.”
    â€œThis town’s crazy like that. Women all over the place. I still can’t get used to it. It’s a long way from Bluefield.”
    â€œI’m sure it is. What else can you tell me about Cota?” Wanting to steer it back to business, regretting the detour she’d let it take.
    â€œLike what?”
    â€œHe have family here? I know he was married at one point.”
    â€œDivorced a long time ago. They had one kid, a son. He was killed in a car accident when he was seventeen. I don’t think Emile ever got over that. That’s what ended the marriage, I’d guess. Most people don’t understand. Tragedies like that—ones that come out of the blue and don’t make any sense—they don’t bring families closer together, they blow them apart.”
    â€œYou sound like you’re speaking from experience.”
    He grinned. “You keep going, don’t you? Always digging.”
    â€œThat’s all right. Now what about you? Where are you from?”
    â€œThe South.”
    â€œAnd that’s all you’re going to tell me, isn’t it?”
    â€œDoes it matter where I’m from?” She felt a smile coming, lifted her glass to drink.
    â€œI guess not. Anybody back home ever call you Red?”
    Her smile faded. She set the glass back down. “Someone used to. A long time ago.”
    A cry rose up from the crowd inside.
    â€œI think it’s time to call it a night,” she said. She slid the glass away. “Lots to do tomorrow.”
    â€œYou’re not going to finish that?”
    â€œI’m good.”
    â€œSorry,” he said. “None of my business what you do. I need to remember that.”
    He looked down at his drink. She saw the disappointment in his face, wondered what it was he’d been hoping for. Better not to alienate him, to keep things easy between them for now.
    â€œSo what do I call you?” she asked.
    He looked up. “What?”
    â€œWhat do you prefer? Randy, Randall, what?”
    â€œRandy,” he said. “Randy’s fine.”
    She stood. “Well,
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