The Demonologist: The Extraordinary Career of Ed and Lorraine Warren

The Demonologist: The Extraordinary Career of Ed and Lorraine Warren Read Online Free PDF

Book: The Demonologist: The Extraordinary Career of Ed and Lorraine Warren Read Online Free PDF
Author: Gerald Brittle
Tags: Ebook, book
things up to get attention. In fact, some of the things people told us sounded completely outlandish—back then. Over the course of time, though, I began to become convinced. We would be in vastly different places, one week in Iowa and the next in Texas, but there was often a similarity, sometimes even an exactness, to the stories these people would tell. And there Ed and I would be, paint all over our hands and arms, offering consolation to folks who were often twice our age, telling them what we knew about the workings of the spirit realm.”
    What did the Warrens learn about ghosts during that period? Is the phenomenon real? And if so, they were asked to answer, how does the spirit manifest?
    “Most people seem to think ghosts lurk around in the upstairs of old homes in a misty, vaporous state,” says Ed in reply. “This is not so: in order to be seen with the physical eye, the ghost or apparition needs physical energy to manifest. We learned there are two basic processes a human spirit can go through to bring about its own materialization. One way requires a human presence; the other does not.
    “When an earthbound spirit needs a human presence to manifest, then it engages in a complex process of energy transference to give itself substance,” explains Ed. “And the Adam’s rib of most ghostly manifestations is nothing other than the human aura. Surrounding the body of every living being is a bioluminescent glow caused by a natural discharge of energy from the body. Clairvoyants like Lorraine can see and ‘read’ the human aura, which appears in three layers, reflecting the physical, emotional, and spiritual status of the person. Spirits read auras too,” he notes, “and an individual’s aura may either repel or attract a particular spirit presence. Nevertheless, from this bioluminescent glow or aura, the ghost draws small amounts of energy which collect as an orb, or else as small pinpoints of light. This light energy, combined with heat and electromagnetic energy in the room, is what the human spirit uses to manifest.”
    Asked for a simpler explanation, Lorraine says, “Imagine you are staying overnight in your friend’s home. The place is so nice and cheerful that the thought of a ghost would never enter your mind. That night, you’re shown to the guest room, and in a little while you’re sound asleep. Sometime in the middle of the night you wake up. Perhaps the spirit has psychically projected the sound of breaking glass, or the slamming of a door to get your attention. Sitting up in bed, you have an eerie feeling—you know something’s not right. Glancing around the dark room, you see two bluish orbs of light, roughly the size of golf balls, floating near each other about five feet off the floor. As you watch, you might also see streaks of light flash away from your body—this is electromagnetic energy being drawn from your aura. In no time at all, these two balls of light come together and merge into one larger ball, about the size of a grapefruit. The ball will then elongate into a tall cigar-shape of human size.
    “Instead of the orbs of light, other people report seeing hundreds of tiny pinpoints of light in a cluster that—like the orbsblend into a larger cylindrical glow. In either case, within this tall, bioluminescent glow, the definable features of a person will begin to emerge until the spirit has manifested as much as it possibly can. To be accurate, by the way, it’s called a ghost if the features are not recognizable to the viewer; if the features are recognizable to the viewer, it’s an apparition. Either way, though, you’ve got a visitor.”
    “The other way a ghost will come up,” Ed explains, “is essentially different—and a bit theatrical. On very humid days with a lot of rain or fog, or on stormy nights when there is electrical energy in the air from lightning discharges, a ghost is able to build itself from the energy in the atmosphere. When a ghost or apparition
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