The Dead Saga (Book 3): Odium III

The Dead Saga (Book 3): Odium III Read Online Free PDF Page B

Book: The Dead Saga (Book 3): Odium III Read Online Free PDF
Author: Claire C. Riley
Tags: Zombies
don’t take it lightheartedly,” I snapped. “And it’s not a freaking road trip. It’s a mission!”
    I was tired of everyone thinking so badly of me, like I was the only bitch in the apocalypse. Like I was the only one that took any of this seriously. Day and night, we fought and clawed for survival—what’s so funny about that? I typically wasn’t one for self-pity, but lately I was beginning to feel something akin to it.
    “You’re right,” Nova began, “it’s not funny and nothing about this whole situation should be taken light-heartedly.”
    I frowned across at her, waiting for the punch line to her joke.
    “The thing is, though, darlin’, is this world is what we make it.”
    “But there’s nothing left,” I snarled.
    “Of course there is, don’t be so fucking depressive. There’s a whole world out there. There’s people to love, people to hate, and a future that we can build.”
    I scoffed at her words and she held a hand up to me.
    “If you’re always looking for the clouds, you’ll never see the rainbows.” She looked away, apparently done with her lecturing.
    “Whatever,” I mumbled.
    We traveled in silence for a while, the only sounds being the truck’s noisy engine and Nova humming to herself. She was still pissed that I had previously made her turn the CD off. She liked listening to music, but after the eighth time of listening to the same AC/DC album, I had called for a time-out. I loved music previously, any music really, yes, even Nirvana—not that I would tell Nova that. I loved the way so many different instruments could all come together to create one cohesive sound. It was fascinating and beautiful, and I loved getting lost inside it. But I also liked variety, and that’s something you don’t get in an apocalypse. I shuddered, pushing the thoughts away.
    Raindrops began to fall, light at first, like a fine mist—the stupid sort of rain that is more of a spray, yet it drenches you from head to toe in seconds. Nova turned on the wipers and awkwardly lit a cigarette.
    “I think we‘re coming up to where we left them,” she says, glancing over at me nervously.
    “Which means your camp is around here?” I asked tensely. I had known that we would be reaching both her camp and the place where they had left Hilary and Deacon to go off on their own. I just hadn’t expected it so soon.
    “It’s a couple of miles southwest of here—close, but not close enough that we need to worry. Not unless things have changed since I left.” She shrugged noncommittally, but I could see the anxiety at the corner of her mouth.
    I bit my thumbnail and then silently cussed myself, realizing that I had picked up the filthy habit from Mikey. I was tense—tenser than usual. The thought of Mikey getting back to base camp and seeing me gone was driving me wild. Would he care? Would he be mad? Do I want him to care? I just didn’t know anymore. We didn’t have the most typical of relationships, though I guess no one ever did in this world anymore. Things weren’t like they used to be. With my husband I used to worry about who would do the weekly grocery shopping and if we had enough cash for takeout on a Saturday night. With Mikey it was all about survival. Would he make it home from his next scouting mission? Would I come home after my next scavenging trip? Would I ever be any good with a gun? Would I ever stop being such a bitch? I sighed heavily.
    Nova pulled the truck to an abrupt stop, the brakes squeaking loudly, and I was yanked back from my thoughts. I grabbed my katana automatically, poised for a fight. I looked out the window and then back to Nova with a frown. She was leaning forward in her seat, her eyes trained on the distance.
    “What? What is it?” I asked.
    Nova didn’t reply, but pointed to the horizon; and I followed her finger, seeing nothing at first. Then I saw it: smoke. Gray tendrils of it lazily floating into the sky. The fire was old, not fresh, but it had also been
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