tongue. An eyebrow rose on her face, and she waited. There seemed to be a lack of patience on her face as she glanced a few times toward the wizard.
“If you don’t like these creatures, why don’t you help us? We’re on our way to attack their camps and settlements,” Searon said, appearing sincere.
“Only the two of you?”
“Yes, I’ve been told the kheshlars wouldn’t bother helping us,” Searon said.
He tried to keep his voice as neutral as he could to avoid discrimination against the kheshlars but still wanted it to remain clear that they would be denied for help. She looked from Searon to Karceoles a few times with doubt on her face.
“How do you expect to kill them all with one human and an overly annoying mage?” she asked glaring at Karceoles now.
“Wizard,” Karceoles corrected with annoyance in his voice.
She glared daggers at him with eyebrows crunched together and eyes swollen.
“With the element of surprise on our side. We will move too quickly for word to get out. Victory has never been my objective. I have fully expected to not come back from this, but with your help we may be victorious. With or without your aid I will do this. The wizard seems to think there will be a war and with your help we can destroy them once at for all. I had my doubts, but that was before I saw you fight. I believe he is right. If you will not aid us, I will continue my plan, and I don’t expect to return. Until now, that has always been my goal,” Searon said.
Searon gulped as he finally admitted what he had always known since he set out on the quest. He probably wasn’t coming back, and he hated to realize it. There was only the need to take as many of them down with him as he could before he would be struck down. Then he could rest in peace and meet his family once again in the afterlife.
“Can you keep the wizard in check?” Starlyn snorted with a half smile.
“No…probably not. You’ll just learn to tune him out like I have.”
He looked back to the wizard, who was smirking at him now. He was sure that the wizard knew that much of what he said went in one ear and straight out the other.
“All right, I’ll help you, but there’s something I must tell you first.” Starlyn shuffled uneasily.
“What?” Searon asked.
He looked genuinely concerned as if hoped he could accept what she had to say. She shifted her eyes, looking at him hard in the face and quickly blushing. It seemed as if the kheshlar had been checking him out, and he shifted uneasily. He could tell what she had to say to him was hard for her, and he knew that if they were to travel together that one day he would have to tell her about his life.
“My sister…changed years ago…she left with the draeyks. She led them in a war against the kheshlars, and I injured her to protect Sudegam. I believe she is still with them. I want to destroy the draeyks as much as you but…but I will not kill my sister. She is not to be harmed. If we encounter her, we capture her and bring her back to the kheshlars,” Starlyn demanded.
She sighed as she seemed to reminisce of her times with her sister. Her eyes closed and opened with fresh tears drizzling down her cheeks.
“As you wish,” Searon said.
He couldn’t imagine what it would be like to lose a sibling to the draeyks like that. At least his family had only been destroyed instead of turning them as dark as Starlyn’s sister now apparently had become. He didn’t know if he could bear something like that to happen to him.
“Good, now I have something more attractive to look at,” Karceoles smirked.
Starlyn stood and glared at the wizard with ice in her silver sapphire eyes.
“Shut up, Karceoles,” Searon said.
Chapter 4
T he human, kheshlar, and wizard traveled relentlessly through the meadow without conversation. Searon was thankful that the wizard had kept his mouth shut during the journey. There were fewer trees to travel through ever since leaving the