The Cradle King

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Book: The Cradle King Read Online Free PDF
Author: Alan Stewart
Tags: History, Biography, Non-Fiction, Christian
John Guy (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press/The Folger Institute, 1995), 171–91
    Wormald, Jenny, ‘James VI, James I, and the Identity of Britain’, in The British Problem, c. 1534–1707, ed. Brendan Bradshaw and John Morrill (New York: St Martin’s Press, 1966)
    Wormald, Jenny, ‘James VI and I, Basilikon Doron and The Trew Law of Free Monarchies : The Scottish Context and the English Translation’, in The Mental World of the Jacobean Court, ed. Linda Levy Peck (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1991), 36–54
    Wormald, Jenny, ‘James VI and I: Two Kings or One’, History, 68 (1983), 187–209
    Wormald, Jenny, ‘“’Tis True I Am A Cradle King”: The View from the Throne’, in The Reign of James VI, ed. Goodare and Lynch, 241–56
    Wright, Louis B., ‘Propaganda against James I’s “Appeasement” of Spain’, Huntington Library Quarterly, 6: 2 (1943), 149–72
    Young, Michael B ., James VI and I and the History of Homosexuality (Basingstoke: Macmillan, 2000)
    Zaller, Robert, The Parliament of 1621: A Study in Constitutional Conflict (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1971)
    Zeeberg, Peter, ‘The Inscriptions at Tycho Brahe’s Uraniborg’, in A History of Nordic Neo-Latin Literature (Odense: Odense University Press, 1995), 251–66

    The index that appeared in the print version of this title does not match the pages in your eBook. Please use the search function on your eReading device to search for terms of interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below.
    Abbot, George, later Archbishop of Canterbury; campaigns to promote Villiers
    Abbot, Robert
    Aberdeen; Bishop of, see Blackburn, Peter
    Act of Oblivion
    Acutrie, John
    Adamson, John
    Adamson, Patrick, later Bishop of St Andrews
    Addled Parliament
    Alexander, William
    Andrewes, Lancelot, Bishop of Chichester (1605), Bishop of Ely (1609), Bishop of Winchester (1619); Responsio ad apologiam cardinalis Bellarmini
    Angus, Earl of, see Douglas, Archibald; Douglas, William (d. 1591); Douglas, William (d. 1611)
    Anna, Princess of Denmark, later Queen of Scots and Queen of England; negotiations to marry James; marries James by proxy; attempts to sail to Scotland; marries James; coronation of; entry into Edinburgh; marriage to James; relations with James; relations with Maitland; relations with Melville; pregnancy of; gives birth to Henry; dispute over Henry’s upbringing; other children of; finances of; correspondence with Elizabeth; and Roman Catholicism; Kirk attacks on; attempts to take Henry from Stirling; miscarries; household in England; patronage of; objects to Elizabeth’s marriage; reaction to Henry’s death; campaigns to promote Villiers; death of; funeral of
    Anne, Infanta of Spain
    Apethorpe (Northants)
    Archy, James’s jester
    Aremberg, Count, Spanish agent
    Argyll, Earl of, see Campbell, Archibald (d. 1573); Campbell, Colin; Campbell, Archibald (d. 1638)
    Argyll, Janet, Countess of
    Argyll, Countess of [Moray’s widow]
    Armada, Spanish
    Arminius, Jacobus
    Arran, James, second Earl of, see Hamilton, James
    Arran, James, Earl of, see Stewart, Captain James
    Arthur, King
    Arundel, Earl of
    Ashby St Leger
    Asheby, William
    Assheton, Nicholas
    Aston, Roger
    Atholl, John, Earl of, see Stewart, John
    Babington, Anthony
    Babington Plot, the
    Bacon, Anthony
    Bacon, Francis, later Viscount St Albans; Declaration [on Ralegh]; Novum organum; prosecutes Somerset; relations with Villiers; fall of
    Baker, servant of Buckingham
    Balcalquall, Walter, minister
    Balcomie, Margaret
    Balfour, Sir James
    Balfour, James, minister
    Bancroft, Richard, Bishop of London, later Archbishop of Canterbury
    Barclay, John
    Barclay, William; De potestate papae
    Barlow, William, Dean of Chester; On the Hampton Court Conference; Answer to a Catholike Englishman
    Bate, John, merchant
    Beaton, Archbishop
    Bedford, Francis, Earl of, see Russell, Francis
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