which put out a couple of hours on alternate evenings, two newspaper men were interviewing a scientific pundit who appeared on popular educational programmes.
'What effect these dense eruptions of gas will have so far it's impossible to tell. However, there's certainly no cause for any alarm. These billows have mass, and I think we can expect a lot of strange optical effects as the light leaving the sun is deflected by them gravitationally.'
He started playing with a set of coloured celluloid balls running on concentric metal rings, and fiddled with a ripple tank mounted against a mirror on the table.
One of the newsmen asked: 'What about the relationship between light and time? If I remember my relativity they're tied up together pretty closely. Are you sure we won't all need to add another hand to our clocks and watches?'
The pundit smiled. 'I think we'll be able to get along without that. Time is extremely complicated, but I can assure you the clocks won't suddenly start running backwards or sideways.'
I listened to him until Helen began to remonstrate. I switched the play on for her and went off into the hall. The fool didn't know what he was talking about. What I couldn't understand was why I was the only person who realized what was going on. If I could get Tom over I might just be able to convince him.
I picked up the phone and glanced at my watch.
By the time I got through to Tom the next changeover would be due. Somehow I didn't like the idea of being picked up and flung to the sofa, however painless it might be. I put the phone down and went into the lounge.
The jump-back was smoother than I expected. I wasn't conscious of anything, not even the slightest tremor. A phrase was stuck in my mind: Olden Times.
The newspaper was back on my lap, folded around the crossword. I looked through the clues.
17 down: Told by antique clocks? 5, 5.
I must have solved it subconsciously.
I remembered that I'd intended to phone Tom.
'Hullo, Tom?' I asked when I got through. 'Harry here.'
'Did you get those pickles I left in the safe?'
'Yes, thanks a lot. Tom, could you come round tonight? Sorry to ask you this late, but it's fairly urgent.'
'Yes, of course,' he said. 'What's the trouble?'
'I'll tell you when you get here. As soon as you can?'
'Sure. I'll leave right away. Is Helen all right?'
'Yes, she's fine. Thanks again.'
I went into the dining room and pulled a bottle of gin and a couple of tonics out of the sideboard. He'd need a drink when he heard what I had to say.
Then I realized he'd never make it. From Earls Court it would take him at least half an hour to reach us at Maida Vale and he'd probably get no further than Marble Arch.
I filled my glass out of the virtually bottomless bottle of scotch and tried to work out a plan of action.
The first step was to get hold of someone like myself who retained his awareness of the past switch-backs. Somewhere else there must be others trapped in their little 15-minute cages who were also wondering desperately how to get out. I could start by phoning everyone I knew and then going on at random through the phonebook. But what could we do if we did find each other? In fact there was nothing to do except sit tight and wait for it all to wear off. At least I knew I wasn't looping my loop. Once these billows or whatever they were had burnt themselves out we'd be able to get off the round-about.
Until then I had an unlimited supply of whisky waiting for me in the half-empty bottle standing on the sink, though of course there was one snag: I'd never be able to get drunk.
I was musing round some of the other possibilities available and wondering how to get a permanent record of what was going on when an idea hit me.
I got out the phone-directory and looked up the number of KBC-TV, Channel 9.
A girl at reception answered the phone. After haggling with her for a couple of minutes I persuaded her to put me through to one of the producers.
'Hullo,' I said. 'Is
Carolyn McCray, Ben Hopkin
Orson Scott Card, Aaron Johnston