her. She would be in the driver’s seat, and there would be absolutely nothing that he could do about it.
“What are we going to do about the NDAA?” Candice asked .
The President answered her question with one of his own. “Do you know what’s wrong with this country?”
“Do you really expect me to narrow it down to just one thing?” the Vice President responded.
“I do.”
The Vice President was still smarting from President Quincy’s earlier remarks, and as she sat frantically trying to come up with a response that would satisfy him, Quincy answered his own question. “The middle class is what’s wrong with this country.”
Candice Peters looked surprised, but she remained silent.
“Most people think that the welfare crowd is what’s wrong with th e country,” President Quincy continued. “But they’re not our problem; they’re our greatest ally. They’re afraid of freedom because they don’t want the responsibility that goes with it. They want someone to take care of them, and they don’t ask for much—a filthy little hovel to live in, food stamps, free medical care. We give them just enough to keep them poor, and, as far as they’re concerned, that’s enough—just as long as they don’t have to go to work. Of course, you find the occasional rebel who is receiving temporary public assistance because of something unexpected such as the loss of a job or a health issue, and there is always the kid who looks around and says , ‘I can do better than this ’ and pulls himself up by his bootstraps to become a member of the middle class. Those people will eventually escape the system , but the rest are ours. They keep us in power .
“The middle class is the problem. They are the ones who live what they refer to as ‘T he American Dream ’ . They are the professional people and the small business people. They get their educations and then set up their medical practices or law firms. They start their businesses , and open their stores, and work long days so that they can get ahead, and somewhere along the way they decide that they are our equals!”
President Quincy was now visibly angry. He continued, “They have the notion that we work for them, and they actually have the audacity to threaten to ‘ fire ’ us and ‘ send us home ’ if we don’t do their bidding. They think that they ’ re entitled to their houses in the suburbs and their SUVs. They think that they have earned the right to their restaurant dinners and vacations at the beach. They boast that they worked hard for everything they have, and they actually believe that they should be able to keep their money. I’ll tell you something, Candice; if I hear one more person use the expression ‘ hard workin’ Americans ’ , I’m going to throw up! ”
The President continued, “But to answer your question, I’m going to use the NDAA to eliminate what’s wrong with this country. Using the authority granted to me under the National Defense Authorization Act of 2012 , I’m going to begin arresting those who are speaking a gainst our Administration , and I’m going to have them executed as terrorists. We’ll start with the biggest trouble makers and keep going until we have rid ourselves of the entire middle class. ”
“Mr. President, I don’t see how you can do that. When NDAA first became law, there was a lot of debate about whether it allowed a P resident to arrest and execute American citizens without trial. A lot of people believe that this authority can be used only against non-citizens. I think if we begin arresting and executing Americans without benefit of a trial, we’ll get a lot of push back.”
“I’m the President, and I’ll decide how much authority I have!” Quincy shouted.
This was a side of President Quincy that Candice Peters had never seen before, and she realized that she had misjudged him. For the first time she felt a twinge of respect for this man who had such a clear grasp of the
Eden Winters, Parker Williams